July 08, 2020

Podcast features Legionnaires who walked across America

By The American Legion
  • Suicide Prevention

New episode highlights how American Legion members played critical role in the support of the 2,462-mile mission.

The American Legion’s Tango Alpha Lima podcast this week welcomes John Ring and some of his core supporters who assisted in his 2,462-mile Buddy Watch Walk across the United States.

Ring, a specialist in the Georgia Army National Guard’s 48th Infantry Brigade, started walking Oct. 1 as a solo effort to raise awareness about PTSD, military sexual trauma and the veteran suicide rate. But seven weeks into his journey, Jimmy Mathews, a recently retired master sergeant in the U.S. Army, joined him for the final 1,850 or so miles to the final destination, the Santa Monica Pier in California.

Also appearing were veteran Jason Hanner, who walked across the state of Texas with them, as well as Adjutant Greg Akers and Assistant Membership Director James Gillespie from the Department of Alabama.

It was in Alabama where Ring learned about how The American Legion supports veterans from coast to coast. Check out the podcast and find out about how the Legion supported Ring’s mission, what inspired him to walk across America and what epic journey he has planned next.

Download and listen to the podcast, or watch the YouTube version, at legion.org/tangoalphalima.

Don’t forget to rate and review the podcast on iTunes, Spotify, Stitcher or other platform-hosting sites. That helps others with an interest in military topics, veterans issues and patriotism find Tango Alpha Lima.

To learn more about the Buddy Watch Walk project, check out our stories from when they were midway through the journey and when they reached the final destination in California.

  • Suicide Prevention