February 14, 2017

Legion counting on new VA secretary to keep promises

  • Veterans Healthcare
Legion counting on new VA secretary to keep promises
Legion counting on new VA secretary to keep promises

National Commander Schmidt: If promises are kept, Dr. David Shulkin 'will have no greater friend and stronger partner than The American Legion.'

American Legion National Commander Charles E. Schmidt congratulated VA Secretary David Shulkin for his confirmation Monday evening by the U.S. Senate and made clear that The American Legion is counting on him to deliver on promises he made during his testimony.

“As a highly experienced physician, The America Legion has confidence that Dr. Shulkin possesses the skill set, compassion and commitment to restore the trust that veterans need to have in the department that was created to serve their needs,” Schmidt said. “During his confirmation hearing, Dr. Shulkin promised greater accountability, improved access, responsiveness and expanded access within his department. He also said that VA will not be privatized. Secretary Shulkin will find that if he delivers on these promises, he will have no greater friend and stronger partner than The American Legion. We are eager to work with Secretary Shulkin on making VA as great as the people it serves.”

  • Veterans Healthcare