Submitted by: Malcolm Lawrence

Category: Books

During World War II, Malcolm Lawrence was a radio operator/gun with the 94th Bomb Group at Bury St. Edmunds, England. He was on 23 combat missions over Germany and France in a B-17G Flying Fortress bomber.

Malcolm has written an enjoyable autobiography entitled "Something Will Come Along: Witty Memoirs of a Foreign Service Officer with Nine Children." His book is carried on Amazon's Kindle at $6.50.

In his book, Malcolm tells of his youth in Washington D.C., his days as a drummer in the Swing Era, his wartime experiences in the 8th Air Force, his marriage and days of college and the adventures of his family as they prepared for and experienced living abroad. Aspects of Malcolm's diplomatic career include his two visits with the Queen of England and his building a school in Switzerland attended by children of 17 nationalities. Lawrence's story entertains from beginning to end and allows readers a chance to relate and relive their own life stories. The book is filled with numerous vignettes that reveal not only Lawrence’s dry wit but also the comedic impact of his family and their adventures on his life. This wit highlights his storytelling ability and the wonderful details help to include the reader in the events that have shaped his life.

About the author:

Malcolm Lawrence, born and raised in Washington, D.C., is an Army Air Force veteran of World War II and a former senior U.S. Foreign Service Officer. He is currently an education analyst and free-lance writer. A weekly columnist for the former Bethesda—Chevy Chase Tribune, he is the author of a two-volume book entitled, Tilting at Societal Ills and Other Capers from the Lawrence Papers, 1969-1998, and has written feature articles appearing in the "Washington Post, Vital Speeches of the Day, Social Education, National Educator, Education Reporter, "Washington Inquirer, and Human Events. He has made guest appearances on the "Today'' show, "20/20," "Late Night America," the "MacNeil/Lehrer News Hour," and CNN, as well as on numerous local, regional and national radio talk shows. Mr. Lawrence resides in Chevy Chase, Maryland, with his wife Jacqueline.