Submitted by: Stephanie Garcia

Category: Poetry

Its true, angels are real
They reside in the souls
Of brave men and women
Whom risk their existence
To defend our country’s liberty
Charting into unknown territory where
Conditions are poor and unstable
Danger lurking at every corner
They do this for me and you
Young or old their goal is the same
To uphold our rights and choices
Losing blood in the name of freedom
Standing strong in the face of the enemy
Cheering victory and mourning losses
Driven to complete the task in honor
Of the fellow comrades who died
Doing what they felt was right
To protect the ones they love
Leaving this world a noble hero
Recognized for their valor
Names of these valiant warriors
Embed our solemn hearts
Tears in remembrance
Of our fallen angels

About the author:

Name is Stephanie and I am from San Antonio, Texas. I study Sociology and write poetry as a side hobby. I hope to touch people's hearts with my words.