Submitted by: Tedd Dolman

Category: Poetry

I just read about this great new carrier
It can’t even launch a British harrier
A launching system designed for what
The concept of which came out of their butt

It can launch a sixty Buick Roadmaster
But It’ll tear off the mirrors and be a disaster
When they launch your plane you’ll lose a wing
And that’s what I call a helluva sting

They also say the recovery is short
So every plane landing has to abort
If you know who designed this snafu
Do you think the blueprint showed a canoe?

The weapons we are supplying today
Make a lot of noise without cutting the hay
I might suggest you buy your own gun
An automatic 30-06 would add to the fun

At least you know the damn thing will shoot
Some of what we give you won’t even toot
With our leaders and thinkers doin’ dope
You’d better pray to GOD, He’s our only hope

About the author:

Old Salt