March 22, 2024

Legion urges Congress to boost quality-of-life funding

By The American Legion
Legion urges Congress to boost quality-of-life funding
Legion urges Congress to boost quality-of-life funding

Defense Appropriations Act would increase spending to improve base housing, child-care services, and other areas for servicemembers and their families.

Congress is currently considering the FY24 Defense Appropriations Act, which would significantly increase the funding for numerous quality-of-life programs such as child-care services, base housing modernization and education aid.   

The allocation of approximately $824.5 billion within the bill, marking a significant $27 billion augmentation from the FY23 enacted level, is the highest national defense priority. Foremost among these is the strategic countering of China, underscoring the urgency of fostering innovation within the Pentagon's operational framework. Additionally, the bill strongly emphasizes investing in initiatives to enhance the quality of life for servicemembers and their families, affirming our commitment to the well-being of those who dedicate themselves to our nation's security.

American Legion National Commander Daniel J. Seehafer applauded the increase as a necessary step to improve quality-of-life aspects for servicemembers and their families, a key priority of the organization.

“The Defense Appropriations Act demonstrates a step in the right direction toward addressing many quality-of-life challenges facing our servicemembers and their families,” Seehafer said. “Our servicemen and women, along with their loved ones, make tremendous sacrifices in service to our country. We must ensure we meet their needs for housing, child care, food resources and more. I am grateful that Congress is significantly investing in military quality of life. The American Legion will watch closely to ensure our servicemembers and their families receive the priority they deserve.”

The American Legion goes beyond advocacy when it comes to quality-of-life issues. In fact, its National Executive Committee called for Congress to fund such measures back in 2016 via Resolution No. 85: Support for Military Quality of Life Standards. In 2022, the Legion created the BASE visit program, which aims to work with the Department of Defense on improving conditions for servicemembers and their family members.

Those are a couple of examples of how The American Legion, bolstered by its 1.6 million members, staunchly champions the welfare of servicemembers and their families.

“We firmly hold that access to adequate housing, exceptional child care and transformative programs are an inherent right for those who defend our nation from harm,” Seehafer said.


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