Americanism Commission


  • To supervise and coordinate national committee activity;
  • To promote an understanding and appreciation of American government, the rights and responsibilities of American citizenship, and activity in the American way of life through youth activities, community service, instruction of prospective citizens and legal immigrants, education and educational facilities, and protection of the U.S. flag from physical desecration;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Americanism committees:

American Legion Baseball Committee
Gary Stone, Missouri, Chairman


  • To formulate and recommend rules (administrative, playing and safety), policies, plans, and activities of the American Legion Baseball program;
  • To review and be familiar with the resolutions pertaining to the American Legion Baseball program;
  • To promote The American Legion Baseball program and its principles;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee. 

Citizens Flag Alliance Advisory Committee


  • The national commander;
  • The immediate past national commander;
  • The chairmen of the NEC Liaison Committee to the Americanism, Legislative, Media & Communications and Finance commissions;
  • The chairmen of the Americanism, Legislative, Media & Communications and Finance commissions;
  • Such number of consultants as the national commander may deem necessary and appropriate;
  • The national adjutant and national judge advocate as ex-officio members;
  • The American Legion Auxiliary in the numbers as deemed necessary.


  • To aid in the campaign to secure a constitutional amendment empowering Congress to enact legislation to protect the Flag of the United States from physical desecration;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.

Committee on Children & Youth
Herbert J. Petit Jr., Louisiana, Chairman


To formulate, recommend and implement plans, programs and activities designed to:

  • Assure care and protection for the children of veterans;
  • Improve conditions for all children and youth with due concern for maintaining the integrity of the family home;
  • Prevent social and physical ills of children and youth where possible, utilizing services of and cooperating with sound organizations and agencies for children and youth;
  • Maintain a balanced program that provides for their physical, emotional, intellectual and spiritual needs;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee.


Committee on Youth Education
Michael Westergren, Arkansas, Chairman


  • To inform itself and The American Legion/American Legion Auxiliary of developments, problems and potentials in the field of education;
  • To recommend appropriate policies and programs for The American Legion/American Legion Auxiliary;
  • To maintain contact with the educational community so that there may be an interchange of thinking between The American Legion/American Legion Auxiliary and educators, students and other organizations concerned with the well-being of education throughout the nation;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the National Executive Committee. 

Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Committee
Cory Brockmann, Oregon, Chairman

  • To formulate and recommend guidelines (administrative and safety), policies, strategic plans and activities of the American Legion Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program;
  • To review and be familiar with the resolutions pertaining to the American Legion Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program;
  • To promote the American Legion Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program and its principles;
  • To develop and engage in methodology encouraging those departments without an American Legion Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Program to establish one;
  • To promote uniform branding of The American Legion in prominence in all Youth Cadet Law Enforcement Programs;
  • To work toward the ultimate goal of establishing a national capstone program;
  • Such other purposes as may be assigned to it by the Americanism Commission.
