Sign up for suicide prevention training
Dear American Legion Family members and friends,
The American Legion saves lives and changes lives.
You may have heard me say that during a visit to a post or department, during an interview with media or elsewhere.
Nothing — absolutely nothing — is more important to The American Legion, or me personally, than our mission to save veterans on the edge of suicide. Be the One has helped elevate this conversation to a national level. Now more people than ever before are receiving the mental health counseling they need.
It’s working. But we can do more.
That is why The American Legion has partnered with Columbia University to host free training classes that provide the tools we need to safely intervene when a veteran is demonstrating troubling signs.
There are afternoon and evening virtual classes scheduled, as well as opportunities for in-person training at Spring Meetings, National Convention, Fall Meetings and at other times. Learn more and register for a session at this link. The page will be regularly updated as more classes are scheduled.
This valuable, life-saving training takes less time than it does to watch a movie, take in a baseball game or wait in line at the DMV.
It’s just 90 minutes. An hour and a half that can save a life and change a life. Join me and sign up now.
National Commander
Daniel J. Seehafer