February 18, 2010

Taking care of business

By The American Legion
  • Careers
Taking care of business
Taking care of business

Legion to host Small Business Task Force seminar during Washington Conference.

The American Legion isn't just fighting for veterans and their benefits. The organization wants to ensure that they have equal opportunities as well. That's why the Legion is constantly facilitating employment opportunities for military and actively ensuring that veteran-owned businesses are at the forefront of the political agenda.

The Legion will advocate further for that cause with its Small Business Task Force seminar, which convenes at the Marriott Renaissance Hotel in Washington on March 2, from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. The annual event, now in its fifth meeting, brings lawmakers, political leaders and veteran entrepreneurs together - snow or shine - for a meeting of the minds. Veteran business owners can dialogue directly with legislators who will be writing and lobbying for laws that affect them and their business ventures. Featured speakers include government officials who sit on small business committees, representatives from service branches and Rep. Glenn Nye, D-Va., who is assigned to Committees on Armed Services, Small Business and Veterans' Affairs.

The Legion's Small Business Task Force, which is free of charge to veterans and their business associates, has always provided useful information and profitable opportunities to veterans who own their own business or wish to start one. Information and literature is available on relevant government programs, business evaluations, federal contracting and sub-contracting.

The event can accommodate only 130 attendees. Last year's Small Business Task Force reached its maximum number of attendees in only six hours, so space is limited.

Click here to register.


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