May 16, 2019

Episode 3: Economic opportunity

By The American Legion
  • Centennial

Latest installment in centennial video series explores the ways The American Legion has helped veterans find prosperous careers.

Episode 3 of “To Strengthen a Nation: The American Legion Story” examines the organization’s long and continuing effort to help U.S. military veterans achieve education, training and business opportunity after service.

Hosts Jeric Wilhelmson and Lorna Duyn explain how the Legion worked to obtain over 500,000 jobs for veterans by 1922 and how the Servicemen’s Readjustment Act of 1944 provided education and business opportunities for millions. The hosts, members of American Legion Post 43 in Hollywood, Calif., also delve into the organization’s role in helping homeless veterans get back on their feet.

Watch this and previous episodes on YouTube and Vimeo.

  • Centennial