October 26, 2011

Students create plan to revitalize posts

By The American Legion
Students create plan to revitalize posts
Students create plan to revitalize posts

Today, Legion College students will present their strategic plan on revitalizing posts and tour the John H. Geiger Operations Center.

American Legion College students from across the country devoted Tuesday morning listening to presentations by national leaders and staff from the Americanism and Children & Youth Division and the IT Division. National Judge Advocate Philip B. Onderdonk also spoke to the 52 Legionnaires from 32 states about legal issues that face officers at the post level.

After lunch, the Legionnaires separated into five small groups to develop a preliminary strategic plan intended to revitalize their mythical post, as well as prepare a 20-minute presentation covering one aspect or program of The American Legion.

"Working on a strategic plan helps students develop a working knowledge of Legion programs, policies and practices," said Legion College mentor Carl E. Bryant. " It also gives students an opportunity to work as a group to solve problems."

Today, representatives of each of the five small groups will present their preliminary strategic plans and 20-minute presentation. Suggested topics include "Developing an effective post membership team," "How to revitalize a post," "The functions of a post adjutant," "The functions of a post commander," "Guidelines for post operations and leadership," "Developing an effective post membership team" or "The history of The American Legion."

After lunch the Legionnaires will travel across town to tour The American Legion John H. Geiger Operations Center and Emblem Sales.

Legion College provides knowledge on and appreciation for The American Legion, a and it teaches the core values and contributions of the organization, its Auxiliary, Sons of The American Legion and many subordinate programs. It prepares Legionnaires for leadership positions in posts, districts, counties and departments through education, development and motivation. The curriculum challenges student leaders to think critically and creatively about issues confronting the Legion.

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