Students deliver resolutions, mottos
Legion College students defend their resolutions Thursday afternoon at National Headquarters in Indianapolis. Photo by Lucas Carter.

Students deliver resolutions, mottos

Thursday afternoon during National Legion College in Indianapolis, the class of 57 Legionnaires participated in a mock Nebraska department convention. During the convention, American Legion Library and Museum Director Trace Howard delivered the resolutions created by the five groups that the students were divided into. The students voted on whether they were in favor of passing the resolution.

Out of the five proposed resolutions, three passed and two were amended. The resolutions that were amended include:

  • Establish a student veteran outreach program. The resolution was amended due to the need for funding. The resolution stated for posts and districts to establish a Legion point of contact at all colleges and universities in Nebraska to build relationships with student veterans and to assist with their needs. With the amendment, the resolution now states $5,000 will be used for funding of a Legion point of contact.
  • Provide training and equipment to protect U.S. armed forces personnel from Ebola. With the amendment, the resolution now states for Congress to approve funding for protective equipment and training for situations involving infectious diseases, inlucuding Ebola.

The other resolutions that passed include:

  • Department of Nebraska should form a Transition Assistance Program committee.
  • Department of Nebraska should establish a veterans education and employment committee.
  • The Legion should urge the Department of Veterans Affairs to offer women-only transportation for women veterans suffering with post-traumatic stress disorder and/or military sexual trauma.

Following resolutions, several students delivered their group's homework assignment from Wednesday – creating a motto for next year's Legion College class. The mottos were: Leadership inspires trust; Sharing the knowledge for tomorrow; Leading through knowledge; and Each one, teach one. National Internal Affairs Commission Chairman Larry Besson will review the mottos tonight to select a winner.

Before the students left for the evening, a few Legion College mentors left them with lasting advice.

"When you leave here, don't go back to your departments and make demands to change things. Speak with your adjutant and don't just deliver problems – deliver solutions," said Mike Rohan of Wisconsin, a 2006 Legion College graduate.

Department of Texas Adjutant Bill West echoed Rohan's remarks.

"Ask your department leaders what you can do and how you can help," said West, a 2001 Legion College graduate. "Then the key is pass on that knowledge you gain; mentor others."

Both Rohan and West encouraged the students to not be afraid to serve on a department committee; to get involved with their department Legion College if there was one; and to start a mentoring class that meets at midwinter conference and department convention.

Tomorrow, The American Legion National College program will graduate its 2014 class of 57 Legionnaires representing 31 departments. The students will receive their Legion College diploma, lapel pin and coin, and have their photo taken with National Commander Mike Helm in the National Executive Committee room on the fourth floor of National Headquarters in Indianapolis.