Senior NATO official warns of escalating threats
U.S. Army Lt. Gen. David R. Hogg meets with National Commander Michael D. Helm, Auxiliary National President Janet Jefford and the Legion delegation in Brussels, Belgium.

Senior NATO official warns of escalating threats

A senior NATO military official called on The American Legion on June 4 to “educate and inform” veterans and the public about America’s standing on the world stage and threats to U.S. national security.

“There are a lot of threats across the world,” U.S. Army Lt. Gen. David R. Hogg told a delegation led by National Commander Michael D. Helm and Auxiliary National President Janet Jefford. “We don’t know the intentions of (President Vladimir) Putin in Russia. An emerging China may not be a direct threat now but it could be later on. We have the bufoonery of those running Iran and a crazy little guy in North Korea.”

Hogg met the Legion group at the headquarters of the multi-national military alliance in Brussels, Belgium. Like other senior officers who were met by the Legion delegation, which is visiting Europe this week, Hogg minced no words about defense budget cuts caused by sequestration.

“When you keep passing continuing (funding) resolutions, it really jacks up the U.S. military,” Hogg said. “It winds up costing us more in the long run because you can’t plan and function properly. We have to solve this budget process. Right now, we are just taking salami cuts right across the board.”

The Army will be shrinking its force by an additional 12,000 troops, reducing spending on research and development and cutting its training budget, according to Hogg. “Our number one priority should be to train U.S. forces. If the United States doesn’t lead this alliance, (NATO) won’t be able to do a damn thing.”

Helm offered The American Legion’s assistance to Hogg, asking him what the nation’s largest veterans service organization can do to help his concerns. “I think The American Legion’s role is to educate and inform the public,” Hogg said. “We have the ability to vote. We need to get the facts out and, as veterans, we need to inform others.”

Hogg added that immigration is changing the face of Europe and he sees the same thing happening in the United States. “We have to remind people that you’re an American first. You’re here for a reason. We kind of lost that sense of patriotism,” he said.

Many of the issues that Hogg expressed concern about are mirrored in national resolutions passed by The American Legion. Even so, Hogg is skeptical that America and its NATO allies fully comprehend the nature of our threat. “What is it going to take for people to wake up, Paris burning?”