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Who is America’s most important ally today?

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The American legion should not stand by while the American Military is being destroyed by a President that appears to want to cripple America, and America's Military strength.

Submitted by LieutenantCharlie : Mar 15, 2012 6:33pm

Can you provide examples?

Submitted by Germ : Mar 16, 2012 6:38am

Charles you are 100% right and those in the Senate and Congress who support the treasonous acts that has been played against our Country!

Submitted by chiefbuzzbee : Mar 15, 2012 9:44pm

Can you give an example of a treasonous act by the president?

Submitted by Germ : Mar 16, 2012 6:39am

How about ordering "Operation Fast and Furious" for starters? A President that deliberately orders a federal agency to undertake an illegal arms smuggling operation in order to use that same operation as an excuse to weaken the 2nd Amendment and deprive US citizens of their Constitutional rights.

Submitted by ScotcopsUSA : Mar 19, 2012 1:54pm

America is at a crossroads. If we are not diligent we will be as unprepared for a conflict as we were before PearlHarbor! Those who forget the lessons of history are destined to relive the same mistakes.

Submitted by buff152 : Mar 16, 2012 12:21am

I was a 31 year veteran in the US Army Reserve. The last half of my service saw ever increasing deployments around the world. The Australians were always steadfast and standing strong by our side, no matter what politics were going on in the world. It was always "Sure, Mate, what do you need?" I think Australia is our strongest ally.

Submitted by LTC Melody Thomas : Mar 19, 2012 2:21pm

It's a very sad state of affairs.

Submitted by stewart : Mar 19, 2012 3:28pm

I think Asia is the next possible area of concern now and in the future. I am divided between Japan or Australia. My leaning is toward Japan because of its proximity to N. Korea and China. Although Australia is probably the best choice and Japan should continue their present policy Militarily (defense only).

Submitted by flash : Apr 6, 2012 5:25am