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How confident are you in the bipartisan budget compromise reached by congressional negotiators?

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Any of my senators or congressmen that voted or will vote for this will not get my vote!

Submitted by Larry Cummings (not verified) : Dec 12, 2013 4:52pm


We are on the very same page with this. I will not support anyone that supports expanding the debt beyond what it already is, regardless of how they attempt to put the lipstick on this pig. We don't need more spending we need less spending and we need to do this immediately. Those that don't like the Sequester should look to halting the funding of illegal aliens and their offspring. Taking away the government underwriting of these criminal residents would not only reduce spending without the Sequester cuts it would also act as a brake upon these criminals reasons for illegally entering this nation.

However, as long as these criminal residents are catered to while real citizens are required to provide for these criminals residency I will not support any member of Congress, up for reelection, from my state.

Submitted by Bob95490 : Dec 12, 2013 6:10pm

I can't see how anyone could be happy with this. Our government agreed to keep spending more money than it has with no real way to increase the tax base. More than likely, just to keep you happy and buy your vote. A family can't cut it's income and live on credit cards. A country can't narrow it's tax base and operate on credit cards either. We can only print more money and manipulate things so far until it catches up to us. I can't figure out what our government could be thinking when they do these things. I believe that the U.S. was the greatest country in the world, and is now fast becoming the worlds greatest joke. These people in Washington need to come up with some better thinking, or maybe we need to come up with some better people in Washington.

Submitted by H.A.S. : Dec 12, 2013 11:52pm

So Nancy Baner(SP) or is it John Piloski (SP) is saying pass this so you can see what is in it. Their governance is shameful. The only way they will "hear" is to vote them out. The rent is too high candidate looks good. "Tar and Feather" "Run them out on a RAIL"

Submitted by Tom Clark : Dec 13, 2013 10:58am

Who designed this poll? Terrible job of design. If there were a 5th choice of "All of the Above", I suspect it would get 90+% of the votes. How about a poll with legitimate choices that aren't tilted one direction.

Submitted by Hared (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 11:34am

The poll is very well done. You must be a supporter of the far left if you don't think this poll is fair.

Submitted by Larry Post (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 12:54pm

I agree!! Every poll on this site is tilted in one direction, that is why I don't participate anymore.

Submitted by Bob S. (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 8:30pm

I agree. All of the above! I think the best solution would be to vote ALL the incumbents out, Republicans and Democrats, and replace them with alternate party candidates. There are other alternatives!

Submitted by John Schwartz (not verified) : Dec 14, 2013 11:26am

I agree--vote them all out--get in a 3rd or 4th party. All they want is to stay in for the power. None are looking out for the voters.

Submitted by Stan Debber (not verified) : Dec 14, 2013 12:25pm

It is time the leadership an members take this country back by supporting the constitution rather than sitting on the sideline and watcing this country fall to socialism and or communism.

Submitted by Larry Post (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 12:57pm

Corporate America has been off shoring our jobs for along time now. Try buying something in the stores that isn't made in China. Unemployment is high because our jobs have been sent out of the country. Corporate America is running this Country, but you want call people names and talk about Socialism and Communism???

Submitted by Bob S. (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 8:48pm

Is it just me?? Can these people in D.C. not add or run a check book?? You can't keep spending more than you make!! How the hell did these people get thru school?? I know it's a little more complicated than a house-hold budget; but, it's not rocket science either. Can any one inside the "Belt-way" just say "NO" to more and more debt?? The present care-taker of the peoples house can't open his mouth without giving federal money to some-one!! I don't think he even cares to who!! Isn't it about time that he does the peoples work instead of run for office??

Submitted by Old Man from th... (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 1:04pm

No matter, we are all going to get screwed anyway!!!!

Submitted by MSgt. Gilbert C... (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 1:19pm

Poll after poll shows that the vast majority of people think the budget needs to be balanced, that the debt ceiling needs to come down not go up and the biggest problem is out of control spending not too little revenue. Yet, when conservatives try to do something they (the voters--the poll takers--the "spending is out of control" people) have hissy fits and call them names when there is a partial shutdown of the government as happened before. And of course the administration only shuts down the most popular programs--like veterans trying to access their memorials. Give me a break. Let's either cut, cut, cut (and yes as retired military I will be hit also) or elect all democrats and move our country to the same end as Detroit!

Submitted by wingrider6 : Dec 13, 2013 1:27pm

I do not understand the whole mess. I know most agree with us, who are those who oppose us? We are loosing our country. How do we stop it?

Submitted by Kenneth (not verified) : Dec 19, 2013 4:33pm

As a republican,we have got to stop shooting ourselves in the foot and being blamed by the dems for everything that happens in congress until we have the majority in the senate.If we have another shutdown ,we can kiss our chances goodby.....

Submitted by Frank Woodard (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 2:08pm

Oh look the comments are right down party lines, I'm so surprised.

Submitted by kevin williams (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 6:01pm

Being unable to distinguish between the Socialist (aka, Democrat) line and the Neo-Socialist (aka, Republican) line, your comment confuses the heck out of me. Being a member of the Realist Party, it is clear that current levels are unconstitutional and unsustainable. Seeing the value of the dollar has plunged over 96% since 1912, it is way beyond time to trim the budget with dynamite and a chain saw.

Submitted by antiTyrrany (not verified) : Dec 13, 2013 7:45pm

In 1962, over 50 years ago, when I was involved in organizing the Dade County (FL) Young Republicans, our mentors were telling us the the National Debt was going to cause the nation to go broke, the Medicare was the first step to Socialism and etc. Some who were not Veterans, were opposed to Veteran's Benefits because that was Socialism. We are now hearing the same Foo-Foo economic theories, much based on a dislike for President Obama and many disrespecting the Office of President who happens to be our Commander in Chief. It is all a distraction. While some Vets are looking for the Muslim and the birth certificate, foreign owned companies are gaining the ownership of most of our major food suppliers,(ig: Kraft, Unilever, Nestle) and foreign energy companies are gaining control of our natural resources. The Chinese want to buy Smithfield Meat Packing. The next war your children and grandchildren will be going off to fight and protect foreign owned businesses in this country, most who pay no taxes. Wake-Up fellow Vets. The real battle is economics and corporate America is making you all into servants. You all need to visit a nude beach and clear your head.

Richard Mason
Haulover Beach

Submitted by Richard R. Mason (not verified) : Dec 14, 2013 5:42pm

In 1962, over 50 years ago, when I was involved in organizing the Dade County (FL) Young Republicans, our mentors were telling us the the National Debt was going to cause the nation to go broke, the Medicare was the first step to Socialism and etc. Some who were not Veterans, were opposed to Veteran's Benefits because that was Socialism. We are now hearing the same Foo-Foo economic theories, much based on a dislike for President Obama and many disrespecting the Office of President who happens to be our Commander in Chief. It is all a distraction. While some Vets are looking for the Muslim and the birth certificate, foreign owned companies are gaining the ownership of most of our major food suppliers,(ig: Kraft, Unilever, Nestle) and foreign energy companies are gaining control of our natural resources. The Chinese want to buy Smithfield Meat Packing. The next war your children and grandchildren will be going off to fight and protect foreign owned businesses in this country, most who pay no taxes. Wake-Up fellow Vets. The real battle is economics and corporate America is making you all into servants. You all need to visit a nude beach and clear your head.

Richard Mason
Haulover Beach

Submitted by Richard R. Mason (not verified) : Dec 14, 2013 5:42pm

Before the Era of the Income Tax, this country was financed by Tariffs on the importation of Goods. The wrongfully labeled Fair Trade Agreements has been the cause on our decline as a country and the lack of jobs. The solution is simple. Restore the tariffs. During the 1950s and 60s I worked with an engineering company that re-engineered retail gas utility systems through-out the Eastern States. In every city we went into there were dozens of factories and jobs were plentiful. My recent trip through many of these same cities has revealed nothing but empty factories. Shame on The US House, Senate and the White House, both Democrat and Republican who were responsible for this abuse of domestic power during the past 20 years and who sold out to Wall Street, GE and Corporate America for campaign dollars and other unknown perks. That is where we veterans should be focusing our efforts and our power.
Richard R Mason
Haulover Beach

Submitted by Richard R Mason (not verified) : Dec 14, 2013 5:56pm

I don't understand how the legion can sit back and watch the largest cut to veterans I have ever seen... a whopping 20% or more for many retirees of what they earned- and run a poll like this?

Where are the calling banks and email campaigns? How is it possible that this budget is back page Legion news?


Submitted by Hccccccccccc (not verified) : Dec 17, 2013 3:53am

As Mr. Mason stated, our aged legion leaders also suffer from the corporate distractions of the right wing. Convinced that the budget is solely a spending problem (instead of a shrinking tax base and out of control tax breaks for billionairs and corporations), the legion is reduced to just pointing at someone else who needs to be cut. Ryan insisted on savings without tax increases so "working age" vets and federal employees were hit for "budget savings" instead. If history is any guide, it will only get worse for veterans as the wars wind down and public support for us wains. The Koch brothers and international corporations are certainly not patriots!

Submitted by David Dean (not verified) : Dec 17, 2013 1:40pm