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How did you vote in Tuesday's election?

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I voted Straight Conservative. By coincidence, the line in my district was exactly the same as the Republican line.
I am a registered Republican with a Conservative, Libertarian, Constitution, philosophy.
I look at the Conservative and Republican lines first but won't hesitate to even vote for a Democrat if I think a particular candidate is Morally and philosophically better.

Submitted by dibar : Nov 4, 2010 6:22pm

Here's what Republicans stand for:

Creating more poor people
Stopping aid to poor people
Cutting public education funding
Favoring Corporations over People (especially Big Oil, Insurance & Pharmaceutical companies)
Starting wars based on lies and forged documents
Domestic spying

Here are some Republican skeletons:
Child molestation
Public sexual indecency (wide-stance)
Sexting underage pages
Infidelity (hiking that good ole Appalachian Trail!)

AND - Republicans consistently vote AGAINST Veteran's benefit increases. So why would any veteran EVER vote for a Republican? I just don't get it.

I hear that Republicans are "moral", but they are anything BUT moral. Who would Jesus torture? Who would Jesus keep food or medical aid from? Do you think Jesus would be for deporting illegal aliens?


Submitted by art_in_SF : Nov 4, 2010 7:47pm

I find this question highly intrusive and offensive. How I vote - and for whom - is my business only, and you, as a veterans' organization, should know that. That right to a private vote is one of the things I and my brothers- and sisters-in-arms fought, and some died, to defend. I am appalled you would even ask such a question. Shame on you.

Submitted by DHKeith : Nov 4, 2010 6:43pm

Dear friend, not all are offended by sharing the slant of their preferences. If it is offensive to you, then simply do not respond to the survey.

Submitted by SEDChief : Nov 4, 2010 7:05pm

Ooooh DHKeith! Touchy, touchy! But then, it's a free country and you are entitled to your opinion. I have no problem with this survey or with telling everyone and anyone how and why my votes were cast. They were based on pre-election day research of the candidates positions on taxes, spending, expansion of government, definition of marriage, gays in the military, and various other economic and social issues. Then at the ballot box the candidate who best represented my views was selected. It just so happens that this process led to voting straight Republican. I have in the past voted for Libertarians, Constitution Party candidates and even on occasion for a Democrat.

Submitted by Dallas Rob : Nov 4, 2010 7:26pm

Ooooh DHKeith! Touchy, touchy! But then, it's a free country and you are entitled to your opinion. I have no problem with this survey or with telling everyone and anyone how and why my votes were cast. They were based on pre-election day research of the candidates positions on taxes, spending, expansion of government, definition of marriage, gays in the military, and various other economic and social issues. Then at the ballot box the candidate who best represented my views was selected. It just so happens that this process led to voting straight Republican. I have in the past voted for Libertarians, Constitution Party candidates and even on occasion for a Democrat.

Submitted by Dallas Rob : Nov 4, 2010 7:27pm

Headlines where I found Republicans voting against Veterans' Interests:

McCain Opposes the 21st Century GI Bill Because It Is Too Generous
McCain said he opposes the bill because he thinks the generous benefits would “encourage more people to leave the military.”
McCain Voted Against Increased Funding for Veterans’ Health Care
McCain Opposed an Assured Funding Stream for Veterans’ Health Care
McCain Voted Against Adding More Than $400 Million for Veterans’ Care
McCain Voted Against Establishing a $1 Billion Trust Fund for Military Health Facilities
McCain Opposed $500 Million for Counseling Services for Veterans with Mental Disorders
McCain Voted in Support of Disabled Veterans Only 25 Percent of the Time from 2004-2005
McCain Voted Against Providing Automatic Cost-of-Living Adjustments to Veterans
McCain Opposed Increasing Spending on TRICARE and Giving Greater Access to National Guard and Reservists
(He said it would cut into the tax cuts for the wealthy.)

Submitted by art_in_SF : Nov 4, 2010 7:59pm

McCain Supported Outsourcing VA Jobs, including at Walter Reed
2003: McCain Voted Against $122.7 Billion for Department of Veterans Affairs
2001: McCain Voted Against $51 Billion in Veterans Funding
2000: McCain Voted Against $47 Billion for the Department of Veterans Affairs
1999: McCain Voted Against $44.3 Billion for Veterans Programs
1996: McCain Voted Against a $13 Billion Increase in Funding for Veterans Programs
1995: McCain Voted to Underfund Department of Veterans Affairs
1995: McCain Voted Against Closing Tax Loopholes to Increase Veterans Funding by $74 Million
1994: McCain Voted Against Funding the Department of Veterans Affairs

Submitted by art_in_SF : Nov 4, 2010 8:00pm

Sen. Patty Murray (D-Wash.) asked for unanimous consent to approve a $3.4 billion bill to help homeless women veterans and homeless vets with kids. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell objected on behalf of Sen. Tom Coburn (R-Okla.)

BUT - they voted for tax cuts for the rich.

Are YOU rich? Think they're thinking of YOU when they vote for tax cuts for themselves?

All you have to do is Google "Republicans vote against Veterans" and you'll see a VERY long list of examples of how they consistently vote against vets.

Submitted by art_in_SF : Nov 4, 2010 8:07pm

With a couple of exceptions art_in SF's list applies
pretty well to Barney Frank.

Submitted by Dallas Rob : Nov 4, 2010 8:59pm

One Democrat vs EVERY Republican. You sure proved your point.

BTW - how many public schools has Barney Frank closed? How many public restrooms has he been caught in trolling for sex? How many pages was he caught sexting with? How many Appalachian hikes has he claimed he's been on while screwing a Brazilian harlot? Has the incidence of people living under the poverty line gone up under him as much as it did under Bush/Cheney? Caught employing illegal aliens? Embezzling money? Building bridges to nowhere? Handed out no-bid contracts to large corporations while getting millions in kickbacks from them? Started wars based on lies and forged documents? Outed any CIA Operatives?

OR EVEN - get caught by the North Vietnamese and promptly rolling over and making anti-American propaganda films like McCain did?

GEE - I guess you DIDN'T get me, after all.

Submitted by art_in_SF : Nov 5, 2010 2:08am

This "poll" merely proves the truth behind the stereotype that the Legion is an organization for white male neoconservatives. If you're really trying to attract a younger more diverse membership, I'm not sure I would be advertising this. The Legion's insistence on getting involved in issues that have nothing to do with veterans' benefits (like immigration, tax cuts for the wealthy, etc) will eventually lead to the organization's demise, as it reinforces for younger veterans that the Legion is out of touch with their needs. There are already conservative organizations that deal with those other issues -- the Legion should stick with advocating for veterans and their families.

Submitted by displaced texan : Nov 4, 2010 9:10pm

I agree completely with your comment. Veteran organizations should represent veterans issues, NOT get into "politics".

Submitted by skyman77 : Nov 6, 2010 9:59am

The government is not responsible for my position in society. It is my responsibility to succeed or fail by my decisions. The government needs to get out of charity work and return to the basics of national security and international trade/relations. Charity should be left up to churches and non-profit organizations. There are currently too many parasites living off the tax payers backs. My vote was to stop the bleeding, out of control wasteful spending. The EPA, OSHA, Department of Education, ICC and others need to be castrated and remove their enforcement authority. They should do research and make recommendations and leave the enforcement up to the states.
Veterans should have the same benefits as congress and some of congresses benefits need to be cut back: same health care including continuing health care after serving 6+ years. Congressional retirement (including the president) should be based on time served; minimum of 20 years combined service as congressman/president.

Submitted by Jim Beckstine : Nov 5, 2010 12:59am

The government is not responsible for my position in society. It is my responsibility to succeed or fail by my decisions. The government needs to get out of charity work and return to the basics of national security and international trade/relations. Charity should be left up to churches and non-profit organizations. There are currently too many parasites living off the tax payers backs. My vote was to stop the bleeding, out of control wasteful spending. The EPA, OSHA, Department of Education, ICC and others need to be castrated and remove their enforcement authority. They should do research and make recommendations and leave the enforcement up to the states.
Veterans should have the same benefits as congress and some of congresses benefits need to be cut back: same health care including continuing health care after serving 6+ years. Congressional retirement (including the president) should be based on time served; minimum of 20 years combined service as congressman/president.

Submitted by Jim Beckstine : Nov 5, 2010 1:00am

I totally agree that the Legion should stay out of all politics except lobbying for war veterans needs, if you start taking sides and piss off the opposite political party to your views, do you think they will be voteing to fund your cause then! Besides i don't think the founding fathers of the Legion would have approved of taking a position on imigration, taxes for the rich, or anything else that doesn't effect the Legions cause.

Submitted by jcb : Nov 5, 2010 3:51am

One of the first things we all did was take an oath to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. That oath doesn't expire when we leave service. In addition to its work in supporting and defending vererans, the Legion should become involved anytime the Constitution is under attack.

My support is always pointing to the Constitution and those that fully support it; Dem, Republican, Republicrat, Independent, etc. The Legion likewise has a duty to it's members to honor that oath. Besides, how many vets do you know that were afraid of p*****g someone off?

Submitted by cytodad : Nov 5, 2010 6:41am

It was quite evident to me that a lot of knee-jerk reactionary voting occurred across the nation where people stampeded from the Democrats just like they stampeded from the Republicans to elect Obama. I for one did not follow the rest of the cattle, instead I bothered to do the research rather than listen to the propaganda political machines in this country and targeted both Republicans and Democrats equally that I felt had helped destroy democracy and a prosperous America by selling out the majority of Americans to foreign interests, and the very wealthy and powerful behind corporate America who are pushing for globalization of corporations and centralized world banking while eroding American democracy, freedom, and the family oriented way of life based on one nation founded under God. We will get the kind of government and nation that we as a people are willing to stand for, and the rush to vote solely Republican didn't solve our economic and government corruption problems!!

Submitted by Patriot47 : Nov 5, 2010 9:50am

I don't mind sharing the data concerning my votes last Tuesday, principally because I believe it demonstrates my belief as to how voting should be done. Like Patriot47, I followed the pre-election rhetoric and studied the candidates. My score card: Republican votes - 17; Democrats votes - 10. I happen to be a moderately conservative liberal who votes for the individuals who I believe will do the best job serving the people in my area as well as the country as a whole. Also, while many think the Democrats had free reign over the last two years, the Republicans, plus a few Democrats blocked much of the progress President Obama tried to implement - the change we can believe in. Now, with the Republicans heading up the House, future failures to solve the country's problems over the next two years will probably boomerang on them so that they will not look as good in 2012. Just saying....

Ron Kriel

Submitted by ronkriel : Nov 5, 2010 10:09am

A couple years ago I was a member of the American Legion, and I received a letter from the American Legion telling me that I would lose all of my military benefits if I did not renew my membership in the American Legion. I immediately called the main office and complained that I would NEVER lose these benefits and to stop the threat.I was so angry that I would NOT renew my membership. Well, recently I decided that I would rejoin. So what happens? The first week, the same ill-advised, thoughtless, person(s) that represent the American Legion decided to ask members how thy voted in the recent midterm elections. May I ask, What is wrong with you? This is the United States of America!!!! Who do you think you are? We citizens (1st) and members (2) VOTE for whatever and whomever we so choose. Republicans, Conservatives, Neo-conservatives, Right-Wingers and Tea bag anarchists do NOT rule this great nation. The citizens do!! The American Legion needs to get this straight.

Submitted by skyman77 : Nov 6, 2010 9:46am

By secret ballot. DUH!
I can not support Republican candidates who never served their country. I could not support Georgie Bush who quit the military before he finished his obligated service, the drunken party boy.
So you can pretty much guess how I voted.
I was asked by the membership guy for my former local Legion if I would switch from State level to local level, my response to him was--What do you do at the Legion hall besides drink beer and smoke cigarettes?
He wanted my dues to support the lobbying efforts of the Legion. Honest, that's what he said.
The republicans don't do a thing for Veterans except send us to war time and again. These current wars started with Georgie Bush and no one should ever forget it. Viet Nam started with Eisenhower, just a few military advisers, HA!

Submitted by bbz3qmt : Nov 6, 2010 3:59pm

One of the unfortunate aspects of our current political culture is to pigeonhole everyone into narrowly defined (and widely inaccurate) stereotypes. If one (or many, or most) Republican (or Democrat) acts a certain way, then everyone in the same political party must believe/act exactly the same.

If I say I'm a Republican, then many people automatically make certain assumptions about me. The same goes if I say I'm a Democrat. And this doesn't come from just the opposition. Two members of the same party can (and do) hold very different views and are then denounced as reprobates/apostates/whatever by the other.

Yes, I strongly disagree with some people's political views/actions, but I try (sometimes better than others, I admit) not to hold it against others of the same party. To do otherwise is small-minded and a disservice to our country that we swore to defend.

Submitted by sbwilson : Nov 8, 2010 1:34pm