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How much of a role do you believe ISIS had in the Orlando massacre?

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Influencing someone to act on your behalf, then claiming responsibility for it afterward leaves no question of the role they played.

Submitted by Flatulent Fred (not verified) : Jun 16, 2016 4:58pm

Isis has the money and technology to do almost anything they want. (including web chatter to influence anyone willing to listen, they paint a pretty rosy picture). Until the basic ISIS nucleolus is destroyed, nothing will change.

Submitted by Don C. (USN) (not verified) : Jun 16, 2016 5:44pm

I believe ISIS' role was passive. The gunman,absorbed their propaganda, fed off it, and twisted the ideals of Islam as an outlet to justify his violence. I do not believe ISIS knew the gunman existed prior to the tragedy. BUT upon hearing of the rampage and his pledge to ISIS jumped on the opportunity that fell into their laps and used the media to claim responsibility. Yet, despite ISIS knowing nothing, that did not stop them from quickly capitalizing on the worst in humans.
What's left? We should ask why this radicalized, gunman who so desperately use several media venues during the shooting, an almost desperate attempt to prove allegiance. Without much to support two way communication, it reminds me of the quote "Me thinks he doth protest too much..." Meaning, without two way communication or another form of communication that shows a two way bond, it appears like the gunman's last minute proclaimations and professions seem like incredibly desperate attempts to separate himself from the fact that he is standing in the middle of a primarily gay establishment which he chose to unleash his wrath in a display of anger doused with bullets and blood. And realizing how this would appear, once prior visits there came out, and that it is he who would be thrown from a roof by his ISIS brothers for no good damn reason other than prejudicial, perverted hate, his need to distance himself from being even mistaken for a gay man was paramount to him being sure all knew he was an ISIS or whatever perverted misinterpretation you choose.....That was his need to be heard from the highest mountaintop. He was a gay, conflicted and confused homophobe. The bigger the homophobe, in general the gayer the person, or they would not feel so incredibly threatened and thus hatred towards the very group they are fighting off their affinity to.

Submitted by CPT A.D. USA (Ret) (not verified) : Jun 16, 2016 6:46pm

The guy was a punk who thought he could get international recognition by saying he was associated with ISIS. He was a deranged, homophobic punk who was afraid of his own self. He should be buried in a paupers grave in the middle of nowhere with absolutely no recognition. We are pandering to people like this with a lot of media attention. He, and people like him should never be given any media attention. It only encourages more acts like this. Only the people he killed deserved recognition. It sickens me every time I hear his name.

Submitted by Fog Hat (not verified) : Jun 16, 2016 7:59pm

Soft target,timed right,support from ISIS. He was a Muslim extremist.

Submitted by Guamdukey (not verified) : Jun 17, 2016 11:17am

Right on Captain!

Submitted by BEAU DIDDLY For... (not verified) : Jun 17, 2016 7:52pm

He was a coward who attacked and killed unarmed ladyboys.

Submitted by Anonymous (not verified) : Jun 17, 2016 9:07pm