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How did you feel about this year’s Best Picture, “The Hurt Locker?”

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Didn't see it yet. But I plan to, once it is out on DVD.

Submitted by Samuel L Chang : Mar 11, 2010 2:02pm

Check my comment posted by mwpowell on March 14, 2010, 10:37 am.

Submitted by mwpowell : Mar 14, 2010 11:27am

A lot of MYNE MYNE and My MONEY rings out. It would be different if there was a fund for Sailability-wounded warrior- or ther things to benefit those who are back and no help. What dose it do for a wounded warrior with Amyotrophic Lateral sclerosis or one that is forced to be a care giver with the county running secret investigations.

I think they only care about themselves.

Submitted by ABaadskpr : Mar 11, 2010 5:40pm

As a vet, I liked the film. A lot of outstanding scenes, but overall it also portrays EOD in general negatively. Hollywood repeatedly uses the same negative stereotypes of the military that they in fact created, and it is that stereotype that we see in almost every current war film.We all know how leftist Hollywood is; anti-war, anti-US, anti-God, anti-conservative and anti-military.The lead star, E7, EOD, was portrayed as totally dysfunctional in his personal life and "essentially" abandoned his wife and baby for an adrenaline fix that only war can give him.It angers me to see elitist Hollywood who doesn't know xxxx from shinola, portray this decorated professional NCO/Ranger as reckless, unprofessional, disregards SOP, and easily jeopardizes the safety of his buddies and the mission.I did 32 months in RVN, 22 months with the 75th.There wasn't one Ranger or soldier I knew who lived for war like this NCO.We all couldn't wait to get home one day to family and friends.

Submitted by ranger75 : Mar 11, 2010 6:44pm

I sure liked it better than that piece of trash "Avatar", which portrayed the U.S. Marine as a mindless killer with no scruples. And yes I am a U.S. Marine Vietnam Vet.

Submitted by jarhead918 : Mar 11, 2010 6:49pm

As with many war movies, they are dramatized and added to; but this one is sensationalized to the point of nausea. I'm an EOD tech and seeing this as a movie that portrays us doing our job was pretty hard to sit through. The movie is not without its entertainment value but as another reader said, the movie's main actor is a dysfunctional rougue who ignores laws, SOP's and common sense. Throughout the movie a sensational view of renegade spirit drowns out the real world we live in and makes us look like reckless adrenaline junkies who would rather die juiced than slow down, think and live through the day. I realize they cannot accurately portray what methods we employ for classification/safety purposes, but these guys were all screwballs who were so far from anything realistic (EOD or any troop) it was hard to stomach. The movie didn't paint the military and EOD in a very positive light, though I'm sure it tried to. It's an attempt at a story that hasn't really been told. Still hasn't.

Submitted by eodtech4 : Mar 11, 2010 10:45pm

I watched the movie The Hurt Locker because it won best picture. I had seen the trailer in the movie theater and thought at the time it was a movie like the Kingdom in 2007. So it was for entertainment purposes that I watched it at home. I a paid 4.00 to watch it not 12.50 at a theater which apparently from what it's gross others did too. I was relieved that the theme portrayed these soldiers as being vulnerable to a wide variety of human emotions while still carrying out their duties in tense and brutal conditions. The emphasis put on this theme was refreshingly different. The movie dragged out a bit & I found myself saying out loud late in the movie “Oh come on when is this movie going to end? Maybe this drag was intentional to give a feel of how tedious and monotonous life is in this make believe unit. I would recommend it to those who may get a kick out of blowing $4.00 and 130 mins.

Submitted by mwpowell : Mar 14, 2010 10:37am