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Which concerns you the most about the coronavirus?

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I believe the virus is serious but I believe the fear has been exacerbated by the mew media.

Submitted by MikeYoung : Mar 12, 2020 2:06pm

I agree with you Mike; it seems that the news media cannot be relied on for "anything" resembling the truth (except ignoring and supporting the "intentional" murders on a daily basis due to abortions)! That doesn't mean this virus isn't a threat; each and everyone of us has a responsibility to take simple positive steps to avoid spreading the virus. The capability to handle this virus by the U.S. far exceeds the rest of the entire world, and we will succeed! The question is, will the world hold China accountable for its' reckless biological warfare experiments?

Submitted by breachplug : Mar 12, 2020 3:29pm

beachplug you ate dillusional. Tell all of us where you got your facts that the US has the capability to handle this coronavirus more than thd entire world. What are you watching, FOX NEWS?

Submitted by wabinpcfl : Mar 12, 2020 3:39pm

beachplug you ate dillusional. Tell all of us where you got your facts that the US has the capability to handle this coronavirus more than thd entire world. What are you watching, FOX NEWS?

Submitted by wabinpcfl : Mar 12, 2020 3:39pm

I too agree that the news media has been espousing fear so that people too concerned that they cannot function. Then they will probably blame it on the president, since it is his fault for everything that happens in America.

Submitted by lillisjj53 : Mar 12, 2020 4:13pm

I agree with Mike's comment, the media have to have some thing to be hysterical about. And playing the blame game does not help, nor ignoring China's role in this fair.

Submitted by richardjackson2... : Mar 12, 2020 2:12pm

I agree with Mike and r. jackson. It's not good but not like the trouble makers holler and carrie on .

Submitted by chascoats : Mar 12, 2020 2:31pm

I agree with Mike, Richard and Chascoats.

Submitted by daleal63 : Mar 12, 2020 2:41pm

I totally disagree with Mike and company. If you Trumplicans are only going to believe what FOX NEWS puts out, I pray and hope if and when it hits you that you regret you blamed the news media. When we have a POTUS sho clames he knows more then his Generals, who draws where a hurricane is going to go and when he claims the coronavirus will go away when the warm weather comes, then you are living in lala land along with him.

Submitted by wabinpcfl : Mar 12, 2020 2:58pm

You don't have to agree with Mike and the rest of us; no FOX isn't the source of our confidence. Read the factual reports on-line from the CDC, even your doctor (if you even have one) can provide factual information if you bother to ask! The trouble is, individuals like you want to politicize this problem rather than working to resolve it. I feel sorry for you and the rest of the little people.

Submitted by breachplug : Mar 12, 2020 3:34pm

Sorry beachplug, I don't politicize anything. The news media has experts from the WHO and CDC on their programs and those "EXPERTS" who are from the WHO and CDC are the ones spreading the exascerbation. What gets me is people like you voice negativeness against the news media when you should be voicing disdain against our Officers at American Legion Headquarters who have not put out any protycal or guudence to American Legion Posts on how to samitize each post. Do you believe in the CDC suggestion that people should avoid being closer then 6 feet? Or, that people shouldn't congrugate in large numbers, such as Steak Night at a Post where upwards of 50 or 60 people congrugate in close proximaty to each other? So tell me Mike, what do you suggest that is not exascerbating the pandemic? Ignor it and hope you don't catch it?

Submitted by wabinpcfl : Mar 12, 2020 3:54pm

I concur with wabinpcfl

Submitted by wolverineusmm : Mar 13, 2020 12:13am

Sorry beachplug, I don't politicize anything. The news media has experts from the WHO and CDC on their programs and those "EXPERTS" who are from the WHO and CDC are the ones spreading the exascerbation. What gets me is people like you voice negativeness against the news media when you should be voicing disdain against our Officers at American Legion Headquarters who have not put out any protycal or guudence to American Legion Posts on how to samitize each post. Do you believe in the CDC suggestion that people should avoid being closer then 6 feet? Or, that people shouldn't congrugate in large numbers, such as Steak Night at a Post where upwards of 50 or 60 people congrugate in close proximaty to each other? So tell me Mike, what do you suggest that is not exascerbating the pandemic? Ignor it and hope you don't catch it?

Submitted by wabinpcfl : Mar 12, 2020 3:54pm

Maybe we should ask General Patton or General McArthur about Presidents not listening to them!

Submitted by adainv : Mar 12, 2020 6:08pm

I agree with wabinpcfl

Submitted by wolverineusmm : Mar 13, 2020 12:10am

That the administration isn't taking the threat seriously,but then I suppose the republicans would be happy if a bunch of older people on Social Security would die off and they could spend that money on something else.

Submitted by sphanson01 : Mar 12, 2020 2:50pm

No that's what Comrade Sanders wants; no longer supporting the masses, its the gulag or a bullet. Politics have no place here, or regarding this virus, yet, all socialists have to blame someone!

Submitted by breachplug : Mar 12, 2020 3:36pm

Here we go! The Republicans are going to take away Social Security. The only ones who did anything bad to Social Security were Kennedy and Johnson with the Great Society programs. How about leaving Social Security to those who paid in to it, and to those who are truly disabled and are not able to physically work. fDemocrats have never seen a pile of money that they can get their hands on to spend! In fact, when they raided the Social Security, they even lied and said they would replace the money. They steal our money and then want to tax us more to cover what they stole.

Submitted by adainv : Mar 12, 2020 6:04pm

That’s the republicans MO. For years the republicans have been scheming to steal from SSI. It’s not even connected to the deficit, we paid into it..

Submitted by wolverineusmm : Mar 13, 2020 12:19am

!918 the majority of the Spanish Flu deaths were the result of cytokine storms that were followed by sepsis. A rapid countering of the cytokine storm saves lives and that countering is simple. This pandemic should not exist among civilized, honest and competent people who know how to use God's freely given medicines.Go to work and think for yourselves as you harness a good search engine: A good place to start is "alternative cytokine storm CO-Q10". In addition to the proven benefits of natural medicines, read the NCBI, PubMeds and other official studies.

Submitted by JDHodo : Mar 12, 2020 4:00pm

I'm concerned that the media, is pushing this so far out of the norm, that folks are panicking, when all we need to do is use good hygiene. When Joe Biden goes on TV and says that our President is do all the wrong things, he is expecting everyone to believe he knows something. He is not the President, Vice-President, he is a civilian no more no less. Because he was a past Vice-President, does not an expert that make. President Trump and Vice-President Pence will protect us from this threat to the max. Build the wall, stop overseas travel, and use common sense. Stephen Dale Jeffrey

Submitted by myturn30 : Mar 12, 2020 4:18pm

Time we stop disregarding our scientists and experts and start using their input to solving the present virus and global climate change that many choose to ignore.

Submitted by Dave234 : Mar 12, 2020 4:21pm

I totally agree with Dave234

Submitted by wolverineusmm : Mar 13, 2020 12:21am

Hey wabinpcfl, the sky is falling. Don’t be like chicken little. It ain’t as bad as everyone is making it out to be. Sure the media exacerbates the whole story and scares the hell
out of the viewers. That’s what drives they’re ratings. It’s a version of the damn flu, nothing more, nothing less. As far as a cure, I believe there is one, otherwise, how is China’s affected population getting better? Also, why isn’t anyone actually publishing the names and ages of the people that SUPPOSEDLY died? Hmmmm? Good question! Millions of people get the flu every year and a portion of those affected die! Nothing new there! If this country really wants to do something positive to stem the transmission of this “virus”, stop ALL inbound AND outbound flights to the US, except maybe domestic flights in the CONUS. Not even in or out of Hawaii! Quarantine the entire state. No Canadian flights and no Mexican flights. Do what we did on 9/11, STOP ALL AIR TRAFFIC for 30 days. PERIOD! NO EXCEPTIONS!Guess what? In 30 days the “virus” will magically disappear.

Submitted by Fearlessfrog48 : Mar 12, 2020 5:12pm

Yes, the media are responsible - Limbaugh and Fox.
Anything good happening anywhere and the Liar-In-Chief claims credit. Anything bad happening here and the media become the scapegoat.
Donald claims we have the fewest cases of coronavirus. Sure, we haven't tested folks in the numbers being tested elsewhere. Now we learn that the Liar-In-Chief and his sycophants have secreted away all their meeting notes and made them all classified to prevent the American voters from discovering their inadequate planning. Pure amateur hour/

Submitted by jsmella : Mar 12, 2020 5:25pm

And for 4 years we listened to Obama blame Bush for everything unless something good happened, then he took credit for it!

Submitted by adainv : Mar 12, 2020 5:55pm

Bingo! This is trump’s byproduct of not listening to experts e.g. Generals and Scientists

Submitted by wolverineusmm : Mar 13, 2020 12:25am

I agree, overblown. its a virus. The flu is a virus. The common Cold is a virus. 80000 people died from the FLU in USA alone each year. 38 from this virus in USA.

Submitted by jaydpiii : Mar 12, 2020 5:37pm

I believe that the virus is serious, however, there were more people sickened and died from the Swine Flu, a couple of years ago. Imalso believe it is better to ere on the side of safety than to just go haphazard on our way. President Trump is trying to keep people calm but the Democrats, and the media, are trying to make this look like it is his fault. If they didn’t have such a weak field to pUt up for the election this would not be such an issue with them, and their media lapdogs! All these posts about this administration hiding meeting notes are plain BS until someone shows me some proof. Besides how anyone can comment about hiding things without looking into the previous administration simply escapes me. How much have you heard on the media about Judicial Watch having been given the OK by a Federal Court to depose Hillary Clinton so they can question her under oath, which has never happened! Judicial Watch, using FOIA, has all of the evidence to prosecute her, and her cohorts, for various federal crimes, so she had better be careful what she says while under oath! She can say that she doesn’t recall, but they can hand her the documents to refresh her memory!

Submitted by adainv : Mar 12, 2020 5:53pm

The Coronavirus is being blown out of proportion. People hoarding things such as water--we're being ridiculous. Maybe stock up on enough TP to last 2-4 weeks, but the bare shelves in the stores are people panicking. Stock up on sanitary wipes and hand gel (or make your own). And if you insist on panicking, be sure to stock up on supplies for your pets.

Submitted by radams : Mar 12, 2020 5:58pm

We knew all along that the current Administration did not have the capacity to deal with a crisis. We suspected it would be a military threat. This is a threat to all of us and the consistent lack of truth has caught up with us.

Submitted by pmonahan : Mar 13, 2020 8:49am

What concerns me most is the gullibility of too many Americans,buying into the lies of the media, the dumocraps, the W.H.O., china, the illuminati, and all our ENEMIES foreign and DOMESTIC! It is a FALSE FLAG imho!!

Submitted by desert : Mar 13, 2020 3:22pm

To adainv I would remind that the last two administrations to have a fiscal year with a surplus were Democrats. Since Eisenhower, (a general not a politician)each Democratic president has left office with either a surplus or at least a fiscal year deficit lower than when he took office. On the other side, every Republican president has left office with a much higher annual deficit than when he took office. Additionally, Republicans fought to prevent Social Security and Medicare from ever happening and have continued to fight against it.

Submitted by jsmella : Mar 13, 2020 4:22pm

Look at what is going on the vaccine center of the university of Pittsburgh is working on a vaccine.(that is where Dr Salk developed the Polio vaccine) many other researchers are working on a vaccine at other medical universities. John Hopkins along with other medical schools are working on what we called in the 40s and 50 s as Gamma Globulin,although not a cure it gives people some antibodies to fight the virus. Gamma Globulin is made from people that have recovered from a was used against polio. I have faith that are scientists and medical experts will get us though this,but it will take time. In the meantime we as individuals must follow their guidance. This is my opinion.

Submitted by Dave234 : Mar 14, 2020 8:32am