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What is the most pressing issue facing America today?

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Listen to the medical experts. Wear a mask. Let our National Government step up and fight this latest attack on our Country.

Submitted by Dave234 : Jul 16, 2020 12:32pm

The damage to our nation being forced upon us by the Democrats !
They are anti-American, anti-God, and against the US Constitution !
They are a greater threat than China, Iran, North Korea,and Russia !
The Democrats are already here. They are intentionally unending American values and they are using anarchists to do their dirty work to damage property,injure/kill Us Citizens,are anti-Law Enforcement,racists, pedophiles, and all kinds have damage. Not once have they condemned the violence.
All of this in their quest for complete power !

Submitted by RetUSAFVET : Aug 21, 2020 1:37am

Listen to the medical experts. Wear a mask. Let our National Government step up and fight this latest attack on our Country.

Submitted by Dave234 : Jul 16, 2020 12:32pm

Listen to the medical experts. Wear a mask. Let our National Government step up and fight this latest attack on our Country.

Submitted by Dave234 : Jul 16, 2020 12:32pm

The "racial unrest" listed in the survey is actually masking a concerted far-left effort by several groups to destroy our history, culture, and economy, thus paving the way to re-shape America as a socialist society. This needs to be met with more force than has been demonstrated so far. We'll eventually get through the Covid-19 pandemic. The leftist assault on our country is potentially far more serious.

Submitted by wrberg : Jul 16, 2020 3:23pm

I’m in hearty agreement with the gentleman above. If the Left(Democrat’s) have their way our country and it’s history will be lost forever. BLM, posing as an organization supporting racial equality, is anything but. It is a purely communist, gay rights, organization which is all about taking away the rights we have fought for. That is much more serious to me than any virus!

Submitted by rlacrea47 : Jul 16, 2020 4:00pm

Just to your one point of BLM, is this not racist in and of itself? Elevating one race over another? Isn't that the very definition of racism???

Submitted by billanefrtz : Jul 16, 2020 4:28pm

You don't seem to understand that only white men--not white people, white men, can be racist. Bizarre ins't it?

Submitted by lawrensarthur : Jul 17, 2020 9:10am

The biggest issue facing our country today, is we now have a couple of generations that have never served their country in any capacity, an as a result they do NOT have any "skin in the game", and now do NOT understand our heritage or what it took to make the USA the nation it is today. Have we made mistakes in the past, YES...BUT, we are constantly improving and building on the mistakes so we, hopefully, do not repeat them in the future. To try and tear down and erase our past is neither helpful or intelligent. We always need to remember the past, and all who helped make the past, without regard to race or creed. We also need to remember why the pilgrims came here in the first place and the fact that their landing here was NOT their first stop. They were a Christian people wanting to be in a place where they could practice their beliefs openly and freely. NOT being told they had to worship and believe but one way as dictated by a king.
We are in an internal struggle for this country's very existence as it was designed by our founders.
I say we should bring back the draft and that all should serve their country in SOME capacity. Be it military or Americore or some other form yet to be designed. If the youth really is concerned about the "Down trodden" and poor, let them "roll up their sleeves" and "get into the trenches" and help. Let them quit sucking at the tit of their parents money (college) and Government (loans), without earing it first.

I am a NAVY vet of a long time ago, when we had a draft. I do NOT regret a moment of my service.


Submitted by billanefrtz : Jul 16, 2020 4:24pm

I agree, those that avoided the draft meant that someone else did serve in their place. That Was not fair. I served in the Navy at that time and am proud that I did my duty as an American. Today they say only 1% of our fellow citizens serve in the military. No wonder we are in such lousy shape.

Submitted by Dave234 : Jul 17, 2020 10:44am

I am also a Navy vet. One of the best things I did-AGAINST the advice of many. Most suggested going to college,though I did not consider myself college material. Some even said you will not like it. I could probably count on one hand the number of people who thought joining the Navy (or any military branch) was a good idea. We really do mot encourage young people to join the military. I look at life as a journey with the military being an avenue.
Also, many young people are in law enforcement, and look at how they are being treated by the media and politicians?

Submitted by domhanj : Jul 18, 2020 10:04am

The most pressing issue we have, just like it was after WW I, when Hayes Kennedy and Harold Card founded Boys State due to rising socialism, is the resurgence of socialism/Marxism. The Legion's Americanism Pillar is extremely vital at the moment because everything American is being degenerated by militant groups who are rewriting history. They are demanding banning or defunding police, releasing criminals and extending voting rights to illegal aliens who are not US Citizens. The 1st and 2nd Amendments to our US Constitution are under attack. These are all contrary to the preamble of our Legion Constitution. Without law and order, we will not have a country only have anarchy.

Submitted by muellere45 : Jul 16, 2020 4:29pm

The Legion should be more vocal on these issues.

Submitted by domhanj : Jul 18, 2020 9:39am

The DEMOCRATIC Party and their opposition to President Trump

Submitted by skeetfreak1945 : Jul 16, 2020 4:29pm

We do not need to be blinded by politics at this time
we need to bring this COVID-19 under control, start
parenting the young generations following us.

Forty percent of us know what time it is, some must adjust there clocks.

Submitted by Marvin25 : Jul 17, 2020 10:07am

The most pressing issue in this country is the POOR leadership from trump and the republicans that follow him BLINDLY!

Submitted by bbctct : Jul 16, 2020 5:22pm


Submitted by Dave234 : Jul 17, 2020 10:45am

Replacing current president - who failed to serve

Submitted by vphansen : Jul 16, 2020 5:29pm

The WORST president yet. The most important thing that we as a nation have to do is to get rid of this clown that we have for a president.
With all the divisiveness that he has perpetrated, the racist comments, the inability to form a national response to this current epidemic, the inability to tell the truth about anything from his taxes to the involvement of Russia in our elections. This sociopath that we have leading our country doesn’t take responsibility for his misdeeds, his antisemitic rhetoric, his inability to tell the truth about anything, he’s leading us down the wrong path. The ones on the Right ( wrong) side, Republicans, are trying to isolate this country from the world. Remember when the GOP was the moral Party? What happened to them? Did they get paid off?
He proved that he couldn’t run his pathetic companies, having filed bankruptcy at least three times, with some concluding in lawsuits from the people that he didn’t pay, to a university that had to close due to incompetency.
What’s with all of his nepotism. His sons, daughter and son in law are profiting off the American tax payer. They don’t have any need to be on the payrolls. Can you say “Ripoff”?
The Trump’s are trying to profit off the American taxpayers.
Please keep in mind that everyone that doesn’t support Trump or the Republicans, isn’t anti American. I fought for this country so our people have the right to they’re own opinions, even if they’re wrong, backwards,or against the way that you think. Come on Republicans, you can’t even defend him.
This president is the WORST president in my entire life time.
It’s time to get rid of him.

Submitted by oldmanriver55 : Jul 16, 2020 7:00pm

I know some people who are teachers who happens to hold "conservative" views and must keep these views to themselves for fear of being black balled. Teaching is suppose to be a Liberal career field. Also look at these cities where anarchy is occurring-Democrat Liberals. I am not a Republican, but this is just what is happening.

Submitted by domhanj : Jul 18, 2020 9:29am

You have much to learn. If you're capable, that is.

Submitted by vscottp : Jul 30, 2020 2:55pm

I was in the 82nd Airborne Division. My best friend and roommate was a good soldier. We had kept in touch over years. About 2 years ago, I discovered he had always been a Communist. He calls himself a Progressive, Moderate, Democrat, but he is a Communist. Had I known back in the day, I would have requested a new roommate. Well, back then these people were not as emboldened. I don't consider him my friend any longer- in fact, I told him that if he ever sees me, not to greet me and hide. He is a traitor.

Submitted by sgtcruz : Oct 29, 2020 5:56pm

China ! They are out to get us, We need to understand that they play by their rules, not ours and will stop at nothing to achieve the CPC goals.

Submitted by richardjackson2... : Jul 16, 2020 8:25pm

It's not really the "pandemic". It's the fact that no one is able to comfortably disagree--with anything. The statistics are not analyzed, or verified or put into any meaningful context. This situation is smiply about scaring the populous into submission. Then there's the Black LIves thing where the only black lives that seem to matter are the ones taken by white police officers. Who cares about the black lives taken by other blacks? I'm sorry but I'm feeling that I'm being manipulated to no good end and really can't understand that no one else seems to understand that the real issue is the underlying agenda: to take away our rights to pursuit of happiness, free speech, assembly, freedom to worship. God help us.

Submitted by lawrensarthur : Jul 17, 2020 9:04am

We do not need to be blinded by politics at this time
we need to bring this COVID-19 under control, start
parenting the young generations following us.

Forty percent of us know what time it is, some must adjust there clocks.

Submitted by Marvin25 : Jul 17, 2020 10:12am

Our biggest threat is the RADICAL LEFT.

Submitted by OrdyKEat : Jul 17, 2020 9:10pm

I think that you meant to say “The radicals on both sides”.
Get your head out of Trump’s ass and look around.
We need to come together and do what’s right for this country. Now to start with, we need to get rid of this clown that’s in the White House.

Submitted by oldmanriver55 : Jul 23, 2020 7:56pm

Biden is the clown. Get real. I'll take Trump and his faults over a corrupt socialist.

Submitted by vscottp : Jul 30, 2020 2:55pm

Worse than that, he is a Trojan horse.

Submitted by sgtcruz : Oct 29, 2020 5:49pm

Definitely, it truly hates this country, especially our military, including the WW2 Generation military. I used to think hatred of our country was in places like France, but, no, it is right here in America.

Submitted by domhanj : Jul 18, 2020 9:24am

Several have made comments about the President not serving. Military service is not a requirement for President or any political office. I used to think that having veterans in Congress would improve things, but I have not seen any real difference between politicians who are veterans and those who are not.

Submitted by domhanj : Jul 18, 2020 9:34am

The most pressing issue our country faces is the corrupt Democratic Party who will take this nation to its knees to spite Trump.

Submitted by vscottp : Jul 30, 2020 2:54pm

Career politicians. Most are self-serving and could care less about the people.

Submitted by 170flyer : Aug 16, 2020 9:08am

The transformation of the Republic to a socialist democracy focusing on collectivism, globalism, government entitlements and giving governments more power over the individual liberties and freedoms enshrined in the Constitution. "Living Document" Liberalism.

Submitted by keary.oflaherty... : Aug 27, 2020 9:04am