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Should congressional terms be changed or limited?

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What should be changed is the apportionment of senate seats. California has more citizens than the combined populations of Idaho, Montana, Wyoming, both Dakotas, and Nebraska,but those states have 12 senators to 2 for California.

Submitted by jsmella : Oct 15, 2020 5:13pm

You should read the constitution, "EACH" state is allowed "2" senators. Why would California rate more?

Submitted by fleesr : Oct 15, 2020 7:25pm

2 terms for senate and 4 terms for house

Submitted by daleal63 : Oct 15, 2020 5:56pm

I agree!!!!

Submitted by Denis : Mar 13, 2021 1:45pm

Let's act more like our FOUNDERS! Governors - ONE term, Senators - ONE term, and Congress people - TWO terms. All lifelong limits WITHOUT pay and benefits. We've got MORE THAN ENOUGH smart, wealthy US citizens who can do things that way and not get hurt AT ALL from it! This way, we'll really have people who WANT to be there, will WORK while there, and will actually CONTRIBUTE while they are there.

Submitted by eamassaro : Oct 15, 2020 6:59pm

Assist the current movement to convene Convention of States as per section V of the Constitution and allow state governments, with the citizens input, to a force term limit amendments to the Constitution as written by our nations founders.

Submitted by theyaegers : Oct 15, 2020 7:59pm

Assist the current movement to convene Convention of States as per section V of the Constitution and allow state governments, with the citizens input, to a force term limit amendments to the Constitution as written by our nations founders.

Submitted by theyaegers : Oct 15, 2020 7:59pm

Join the Convention of States, for FREE, and be able to voice your opinion were it will counts. Term limits are on the agenda of the Convention of States and 23 states have already signed on to convene the Convention of States.
The current agenda is to limit each congressional individual to a limited amount of time they can serve, and be allowed to serve for a single term.
Additionally, their existing retirement plan should be abolished and they should be part of the Social Security/Medicare system like all other American workers, with a 401K retirement!
Also, when they run for re-election, they should forfeit their pay and only be paid for the days they are present on the floors of the senate and house.
There are too many are fossils in congress who are out of touch with the times and reality and have become so pompous they no longer are interested in the problems of there constituents! Feinstein, Pelosi, Schumer, Maxine Waters, Sanders to name a few!

Submitted by breachplug : Oct 16, 2020 10:52am

Two sides to this. One yes we need more control of Congress terms and over generous benefits. Other side is the permanent civil servants running the government that term limits would create. Need a balance between the two evils !

Submitted by richardjackson2... : Oct 15, 2020 8:13pm

Arthur Booth I believe that each branch should serve no more than two(2) terms. They sit out a term and could be reelect for no more than two(2) terms again. There retirement would be based on there time served just like the rest of the blue collar workers. No free rides for them or the rest of there family.

Submitted by abooth590 : Oct 15, 2020 8:27pm

I propose that governors be limited to two terms of four years each with compensation at $100,000 per year plus health insurance for the governor and dependent household family members: all compensation, including health insurance, to be discontinued with the end of a governor's allotted terms. No pension or other lifetime benefits at the expense of the public shall be allowed. The individual may not serve in any other elected position for life.
I propose that representatives to Congress and senators be limited to two four year terms each with compensation at $100,000 per year plus health insurance for each elected individual and dependent immediate household family members: all compensation, including health insurance, to be discontinued with the end of a representative's/senator's allotted terms. No pension or other lifetime benefits at the expense of the public shall be allowed. The individual may not serve in any other elected position for life.

Submitted by swickman171 : Oct 15, 2020 8:37pm

I believe senators should be limited to 2 terms of 6 yrs each for a total of 12 yrs. Congressional seats should be changed to 4 yr terms so they are not always campaigning and can devote more time to serving the people, and then they would limited to 3 terms for a total of 12 yrs. While in office they get a decent salary and good perks. They would have a 401K with good matching, but when they leave they get the 401K with no other benefits and they live like everyone else. This would force them to live with the legislation they create.

Submitted by apreisser : Oct 15, 2020 9:41pm

Senators and Congressional members should both be elected every 4 years to 4 year terms with a max of 2 times, the same as the presidents are. While in office they would receive a decent salary and other perks like they currently receive. Add 401k After they are out of office, they leave only with the 401k, no other benefits. Than they would be like other Americans. They could try for office again after a period of 4 years. They would not be allowed to serve as a lobbyist while out of office.

Submitted by jacobsenmerlyn8... : Mar 11, 2021 1:51pm

I believe it’s time to see the change in government that allows members of Congress to become as tenured as supreme court justices even though as we know they do not exemplify the honor and character of the justices

Submitted by pop7080 : Oct 16, 2020 8:03am

I believe Senators should be limited to 3 terms total, 18 years with the current procedure that one-third of the Senate is elected every two years. The House of Representatives on the the other hand should have their terms changed to 4-year terms, maximum limit of 4 terms total, 16 years, with one half of the House of Representatives elected every two years. That way, the majority of each house can change every two years to allow the people to decide which party has the majority.

Submitted by jmcmath : Oct 16, 2020 4:34pm

I believe that senators should serve two( 6 year terms) and house of representatives should serve 2 (4 year terms).Our founders didn't create the house or senators to make a career of the office.

Submitted by hokedouglas67 : Oct 16, 2020 9:13pm

2 Four terms for the Senate. 3 Two year terms for the House. No retirement, no continuing benefits.

Submitted by david_huftalen : Oct 18, 2020 7:48am

Convention of States is a scam. The Founders NEVER said to amend the Constitution to enforce it.

How can you trust a group that twists the words of a Founder?

Term Limits Sound Great But Can Fuel Corruption

Submitted by airlifter2 : Oct 18, 2020 10:15am

I am all for term limits for ALL branches. The Supreme Court should not rule for life and we should not have career politicians either. It stifles effective change in policy and does not afford newness. Congressional members should NOT receive retirement benefits of any sort and nor continuing benefits. This is a great offense to every servicemember who sacrificed to serve this country. The difficulties we incur when filing claims and getting actual compensation is grossly unjust. If a president can only serve two elected terms (more if he was the vice president and completing the term of a decedent predecessor), then Congress should ALSO be limited to 8 years LIFETIME MAX service. I believe that we should lead the way for this type of reform. While we are at it, terminate Supreme Court and federal justices at age 70. I have an uncle that was the Chief Justice of Common Pleas Court in our hometown, my great uncle was a Municipal Court Justice, and other relatives have also held judicial seats, and they ALL had MANDATORY retirements at the age of 70. They came in as guest judges to cover vacationing jurists, but it is not a bad idea. 8 years LIFE TIME CONGRESSIONAL SEAT, AND ALL JUSTICES NATIONWIDE RETIRE AT AGE 70. full stop.

Submitted by yes.tweila : Oct 26, 2020 10:17am

I am all for term limits for ALL branches. The Supreme Court should not rule for life and we should not have career politicians either. It stifles effective change in policy and does not afford newness. Congressional members should NOT receive retirement benefits of any sort and nor continuing benefits. This is a great offense to every servicemember who sacrificed to serve this country. The difficulties we incur when filing claims and getting actual compensation is grossly unjust. If a president can only serve two elected terms (more if he was the vice president and completing the term of a decedent predecessor), then Congress should ALSO be limited to 8 years LIFETIME MAX service. I believe that we should lead the way for this type of reform. While we are at it, terminate Supreme Court and federal justices at age 70. I have an uncle that was the Chief Justice of Common Pleas Court in our hometown, my great uncle was a Municipal Court Justice, and other relatives have also held judicial seats, and they ALL had MANDATORY retirements at the age of 70. They came in as guest judges to cover vacationing jurists, but it is not a bad idea. 8 years LIFE TIME CONGRESSIONAL SEAT, AND ALL JUSTICES NATIONWIDE RETIRE AT AGE 70. full stop.

Submitted by yes.tweila : Oct 26, 2020 10:20am