April 08, 2019

American Legion news to know

By The American Legion
  • Dispatch

CPRs, Legion College, Spring Meetings and more.

Fill out CPRs online. The Consolidated Post Report (CPR) documents the various activities an American Legion post has done during the 12-month (June 1-May 31) reporting period. The CPR is available at  mylegion.org under the “Post and Department” options. After completing the form, click on the “Submit” button to send the report to National Headquarters; a copy will automatically be sent to your department headquarters. The form also is available at              www.legion.org/publications under Internal Affairs.

July 1 is the CPR submission deadline to National Headquarters. 

2019 National Legion College application. The National American Legion College will be held at National Headquarters in Indianapolis Nov. 3-8. To apply, download the application at   www.legion.org/college and submit by July 31.

Spring Meetings. The American Legion’s annual Spring Meetings will be held in Indianapolis May 6-9. Visit      www.legion.org for meeting coverage.

100 percent date. May 8 is The American Legion’s 100 percent membership target date. Any department commander who meets or exceeds the 100 percent goal by the May target date will receive a framed certificate presented by National Commander Brett Reistad at National Convention in Indianapolis in late August. 

  • Dispatch