August 08, 2022

Membership matters in The American Legion

By Paul E. Dillard, National Commander
  • Dispatch
Membership matters in The American Legion
Membership matters in The American Legion

As we embark on 2023 membership year, I urge you to keep the membership matters momentum going for us to see growth.

Membership in The American Legion is our voice on Capitol Hill when we fight for legislation that provides the best care and benefits for our veterans as seen with the passing of the PACT Act; it’s our voice in addressing and preventing veteran suicide through the Legion’s Be The One campaign;  and it’s our voice in creating future leaders through our programs like Boys State and Boys Nation, American Legion Baseball, oratorical and shooting sports. I visited the young men and women at Boys Nation in Washington, D.C., and the Junior 3-Position Air Rifle Championship in Colorado. You see how our programs change them; they mold their life. As members of The American Legion, we are creating future leaders.

Membership matters. And to grow this great organization, it takes us going to where the veterans are for recruiting efforts. 

For example, members of the Marketing Committee at Post 90 in Cape Coral, Fla., recruited 27 new members into the post for 2022. The committee staffed a booth at trade shows and festivals in Cape Coral to recruit new members, and attended Cape Coral Bike Night to promote the Legion Riders program. “This tactic has earned the Marketing Committee a substantial list of leads and evidence that trade shows turned out to be a vital step toward attracting veterans to our post and our programs,” said Post 90 Public Relations Officer Ted Clark. 

Membership strength will ensure no veteran is left behind. I am proud that I awarded my “No Veteran Left Behind” membership excellence pin to 1,366 Legionnaires who obtained three new members into The American Legion for 2022. As we embark on 2023 membership year, I urge you to keep the membership matters momentum going for us to see growth. 

We are Veterans Strengthening America.

  • Dispatch