Enter the Media & Communications Contest

Enter the Media & Communications Contest

A benefit of membership in The American Legion Media Alliance (TALMA) was participation in its annual contest. The contest recognized the media efforts American Legion Family members do at the post, district and department level to promote the good of the organization. Even though TALMA dissolved last year, the contest has remained and expanded in an effort to recognize the great work of all Legion Family members.

All Legionnaires, Sons of The American Legion members, Auxiliary members and Legion Riders can enter the 2024 Media & Communications Contest! Visit legion.org/media/contest to get started. Deadline for submissions is April 15.

The Media & Communications Contest has seven categories for submissions: websites, publications, visual media, social media campaigns, editorial/news writing, editorial/informational writing and public relations/community outreach. 

There is a $5 fee per entry submission. All entries must have been published during the 2023 calendar year.

For reference, see the 2023 contest winners.

The Innovation Award and Chairman’s Award will continue to be presented with the Media & Communications Contest. Winners of the awards get a plaque and a $50 Emblem Sales credit. More about the awards: 

Innovation Award: This rewards innovation in media. Nominees may submit for this but don't have to for consideration. Judges will consider the award winners and other nominees to select a winner that demonstrated true innovation. 

Chairman's Award: A “Best in Show” award. Nominees don't submit specifically for this. The judges consider award winners and select one that goes above and beyond the others. 

Media & Communications Commission members and Media & Communications National Headquarters staff will select the winners in each category. The winners will then go before the entire Media & Communications Commission for approval during Spring Meetings in May.  

Don’t wait! Start submitting your work now for us to recognize you.  

If you have questions, please email dispatch@legion.org