Unknown Servicemen of World War I, World War II and Korea

1958, Unknown Servicemen of World War I, World War II and Korea

In 1958, The American Legion gave its Distinguished Service Medal to the unknown servicemen of World War I, World War II and the Korean War, who live only in the memories of their comrades and families, with no known final resting place. They didn't earn every honor imaginable, nor did they achieve the highest rank. Nonetheless, these men and women died fighting for the nation's freedom.

Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

1957, Bishop Fulton J. Sheen

Known to millions of Americans from his presence on radio and television, the Roman Catholic cleric from New York received the Legion's Distinguished Service Medal in 1957.

"We recognize in you a kindred spirit who, like The American Legion, is zealously fighting against the infiltrations of godless communism and who, by your understanding and brilliant sermons, are bringing our people ‘back to God' - a program which I know you realize is being sponsored by our American Legion posts throughout the world," Past National Commander Arthur J. Connell said.

Gen. Mark W. Clark

1957, Gen. Mark W. Clark

A veteran of both world wars, Clark accepted the surrender of the Germans in 1945, and presided at the signing of the Korean War armistice in 1953. The next year, he assumed the presidency of The Citadel in South Carolina.

Charles Stewart Mott

1956, Charles Stewart Mott

Established in 1926, Mott's Flint, Mich.-basedfoundation has given supported nonprofit programs throughout the United States, and the University of Michigan C.S. Mott Children's Hospital in Ann Arbor bears his name.

Vice Adm. Joel T. Boone

1956, Vice Adm. Joel T. Boone

Boone provided the nation's veterans with the medical attention they deserve, both in the trenches of World War I and World War II, and later as chief medical director of the Veterans Administration from 1951 to 1955.

Dr. Jonas E. Salk

1955, Dr. Jonas E. Salk

For developing a vaccine for polio, Salk received The American Legion's Distinguished Service medal in 1955. In his absence, 6-year-old Mary Kosloski accepted the award for the vaccine bearing Salk's name.

The poster child for the March of Dimes, Koslowski was diagnosed with the dreaded disease at only 5 months old. "I would like to thank all of The American Legion in behalf of the March of Dimes," she told delegates.

1955, Maj. Gen. Ellard A. Walsh

Presenting him with the Legion's Distinguished Service Medal in 1955, National Commander Seaborn P. Collins said Walsh "is primarily responsible for the establishment of the National Guard as the principal and most effective reserve component of the Army and the Air Force. He has a distinguished record of military service, exceeding over 50 years, and it still continues."

A charter member of Post 339 in Minneapolis, Walsh fought constantly for legislation in the best interest of The American Legion and the National Guard.

Maj. Gen. George A. White

1954, Maj. Gen. George A. White

After serving in World War I, White pushed for the creation of the Legion. At the 1954 national convention, Past National Commander Stephen Chadwick said he "was insistent that the first organizational caucus should be held in France, but he was equally willing that the permanent organizational meeting be held in America. ... The Paris caucus was George White's brainchild. The spirit of the caucus survives."

Rep. Royal C. Johnson

1953, Rep. Royal C. Johnson

As a young congressman who voted against a declaration of war in 1917, South Dakota's Johnson could not live with approving appropriations to support "sending other women's sons into war." So, although he was exempted from service, Johnson voluntarily enlisted in the Army, engaged in battle and was severely wounded. He survived and resumed his congressional career, where he authored the resolution to incorporate The American Legion.

Gen. Charles P. Summerall

1951, Gen. Charles P. Summerall

Summerall received the Legion's Distinguished Service Medal at the 1951 national convention, where the soldier, educator, civic leader and humanitarian was praised for his service as commander of the 67th Field Artillery Brigade of the First Division and of the Fifth Corps in France during World War I.

"He was a front-line general, and for his gallantry in action he was awarded the Distinguished Service Cross," Past National Commander Ray Murphy said. "He wears many other decorations, including the Distinguished Service Medal of the United States."
