June 04, 2024

Indiana post again provides boost to NEF

By The American Legion
Indiana post again provides boost to NEF
Indiana post again provides boost to NEF

Post 355 in Indianapolis donates $50,000 to National Emergency Fund, one year after donating $55,000 to the same fund.

A year ago, American Legion Atkins Saw Post 355 on the south side of Indianapolis made two donations totaling $55,000 to The American Legion National Emergency Fund (NEF). At the time of the second donation, Post 355 Commander Dwayne Sloan said the post chose to support the NEF because “the money goes 100 percent to the veterans and families, and to the posts.”

On June 3, that same mentality was the reason behind a similar donation to the NEF, this one for $50,000, made by Sloan on behalf of Post 355’s Legion Family to American Legion National Adjutant Rodney Rolland.

“It’s a Legion program, and we’re Legion-oriented,” Sloan said after presenting the check during a presentation at Post 355. “We like to help veterans. We like to help the (posts) that need help when they’re hit with natural disasters. That’s just us. The members of our Legion Family voted unanimously to donate the money. This was one of the best things to donate to.”

The NEF provides financial assistance to qualified Legionnaires, posts and Sons of The American Legion members impacted by a declared natural disaster. Legionnaires and Sons receive up to $3,000 and posts receive up to $10,000. Learn more about the NEF here.

With destructive spring weather hitting various areas of the nation already, the donation comes at a good time. “You couldn’t ask for a better time (to help fund the NEF),” Sloan said. “With the tornadoes (in the Plains) … if a post or a veteran or a veteran’s family gets hurt or something and needs money, it’s there. We can help them. Even if we can’t go out there and physically help them, we can help them with other things.”

The post was presented a certificate of appreciation signed by American Legion National Commander Daniel Seehafer, as well as one of Seehafer’s medallions, a Be the One portrait and other items.

Rolland read from the certificate of appreciation, saying, “Your kindness and generosity has once again enabled the National Emergency Fund to ease the suffering and the loss of those less fortunate American Legion Family members. The American Legion does hereby commend you for your continued devotion to mutual helpfulness.”

Rolland went on to thank Sloan and Post 355 “for reminding us what it means to be a part of the Legion Family. We use the words Legion Family kind of loosely. But you are a true representative of what it means to take care of the Legion Family.”

  • Emergency