September 01, 2012

May 2012 FODPAL Meeting Minutes


F.O.D.P.A.L. Foreign and Outlying Departments and Posts of The American Legion ALASKA CANADA FRANCE HAWAII MEXICO PHILIPPINES PUERTO RICO CHINA POST Minutes of FODPAL meeting held on 9 May 2012 at The American Legion Headquarters, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Foreign and Outlying Departments and Posts of The American Legion

Minutes of FODPAL meeting held on 9 May 2012 at The American Legion Headquarters, Indianapolis, Indiana.

Opening at 0730hrs by Vice President Robert Fuelling with salute to the colors.

Prayer was given by Past FODPAL President Andrew Johnson.

Pledge of Allegiance, and the Preamble by Vice President Robert Fuelling.

Reading of Minutes from the Fall 2011 meeting. A motion was made by Doug Haggan and seconded by Jim Van Horn to accept the minutes with corrections. Motion Carried

Past National Commander Clarence Bacon introduced all guests.

Past National Commander Clarence Bacon introduced National Commander Wong who gave us a great report on membership telling us that 3 FODPAL Departments are in the top three positions in membership. He also said he is looking for someone to step up and start a Legion Post in Seoul South Korea.

Past National Commander Clarence Bacon gave a report on Jake Comers wife and asked that we keep her and Jake in our prayers.

Treasures Report. PNC Jimmie Foster gave the Finance Report, he asked that if you haven’t paid your dues yet to please do so. A motion was made by Jimmie Foster and seconded by Doug Haggan to accept the Finance Report subject to audit. Motion Carried. Finance Report attached to Minutes.

FODPAL Breakfast 2012. 2012 National Convention Breakfast in Indianapolis IN is setup and ready to go for breakfast will be $25.00 and the breakfast will be Aug 27th. Pre-registration letters will go out on 1 June.

Unfinished Business.

Mailing privileges at US Embassy Resolution is ongoing and a new resolution will be presented at the 2012 National Convention. During the Washington Conference in Feb Doug Haggan gave a report to the National Legislation Division on the subject. OPEN

Earle Cocke Jr. Award will be selected by the NEC and the NEC will develop rules for future selections. The new rules will take affect at the Fall 2012 FODPAL Meeting. OPEN

New Business.

No New Business

ALASKA Jim Pisa state that the Department was a little behind in membership but was working hard to get back to the top.

FRANCE Liam Kane reported on the status of the National Commanders visit to the Department in May. Also report that the Department would be at 100% membership by the Convention.

HAWAII Andrew Johnson had a great visit by the National Commander.

Mexico Al King reported that membership was good and the Department was working being at 100% by the last National cutoff date.



China Post #1 Not Present.


Andrew Johnson (HI) NEC
Doug Haggan (FR) FODPAL Secretary
Jim Pisa (AK) NEC
Ernest King (AK) National Sgt at Arms
Robert Fuelling (FR) FODPAL 1st Vice President
Clarence Bacon (MD) PNC
Bill Detweiler (LA) PNC
Bruce Thiesen (CA) PNC
Jimmie Foster (AK) National Commander 2010
Jim Van Horn (AK)
Al King (MX) NEC
Liam Kane (FR) NEC
Fang Wong (NY) National Commander 2011-2012

Doug Haggan
FODPAL Secretary