March 26, 2014

Parisian museum looking for liberators' stories

Parisian museum looking for liberators' stories
Parisian museum looking for liberators' stories

Musée Carnavalet preparing 70th-anniversary exhibition.

Hello. My name is Laurie Nedelcu, and I work for the Carnavalet Museum in Paris, France. We're currently preparing an exhibition for the 70th anniversary of the Liberation of Paris, and we're looking for World War II American veterans who were in Paris during the Liberation in order to collect their testimonies. Do you know of any members, or have any contacts with World War II veterans, or know people in France or in the United States who might be interested in being a part of this project? Any help will be appreciated.

Warm Regards,
Laurie Nedelcu

Address 23, rue de Sévigné
City Paris (France)
Phone 33(0)1 44 59 58 58

Musée Carnavalet: Oldest museum of the City of Paris, Carnavalet’s mission is to spread information about Paris, from its earliest origins to the present day. Essentially a history museum, Carnavalet is nevertheless an art museum and primarily displays original works that faithfully represent the genius of Paris. The museum brings visitors into close contact with artwork as well as famous Parisians from the capital’s different intellectual, political and artistic circles, while inspiring emotion through displaying scenes of the past, providing an original and unique atmosphere: that of the City of Light throughout the centuries.