November 06, 2014

65 percent cutoff approaching


Veterans Day cutoff is Nov. 13.


Another cutoff date looms just around the corner, this one being the Veterans Day cutoff on Nov. 13. As of Friday, Oct. 31, we had nine departments already at the cutoff, which is good. By Nov. 13 I hope to see the entire region at 100 percent.

But before we get all excited, we need to take a step back and not lose sight of the fact that overall, National is between 27,000 and 28,000 behind in traditional membership renewals compared to this point last year. So everybody needs to look at their membership roster and see how many traditional renewals are still out there, and go on a full-out attack to get them renewed.

The next cutoff after Nov. 13 will be the Pearl Harbor Day cutoff, 75 percent, on Dec. 10.

Remember the END GOAL - 12 Northeast nepartments on the stage in Baltimore collecting all the membership awards.