Call to FODPAL breakfast/installation
FODPAL annual breakfast during the national convention. Photo by Lucas Carter/The American Legion.

Call to FODPAL breakfast/installation

Past FODPAL President Jimmie Foster has called for the 2023 FODPAL Breakfast/Installation to be held on Monday, Aug. 28, at 0700 hours at the Charlotte Convention Center, Room 207, Sections A-C, Meeting Level during the 104th National Convention in Charlotte, N.C. All FODPAL members and guests are welcome to attend.

Adjutants, commanders and National Executive Committeemen: do not forget to bring some items from your department for the raffle held after the breakfast. There were some very good prizes last year.

This is the biggest event of the year for FODPAL – it has become the “showcase” of the national convention. So pass the word to all members attending the convention.

The cost is $35 per person. Tickets will be issued at the convention site starting on Saturday, Aug. 26.
Pre-reservations provide a good estimate of the number of people attending. Below is the reservation form; contact Doug Haggan at with questions or problems.



Enclosed is a check in the amount of $__________for_________reservation tickets


Doug Haggan
5712 Riva Ridge Dr.
Indianapolis, IN 46237