September 27, 2023

FODPAL presents awards, installs officers at convention breakfast

By FODPAL report
FODPAL presents awards, installs officers at convention breakfast
FODPAL presents awards, installs officers at convention breakfast

Organization president Steve Huisman, who died in April, remembered.

American Legion leaders from around the world gathered on Aug. 29 in the Charlotte Convention Center to honor Foreign & Outlying Departments and Posts of the American Legion (FODPAL) during the 104th National Convention. FODPAL consists of more than 15,000 Legion members worldwide serving their communities through some 250 posts outside the continental borders of the United States. FODPAL also has members in six posts in Canada, assigned to the following stateside departments: Maine, New York, Vermont, Washington and Montana. Remembered at the breakfast was FODPAL President Steve Huisman, who entered Post Everlasting on Apr. 23; a chair at the head table was left empty in his honor.

The recipients of the 2022-2023 FODPAL awards are as follows:

Robert J. “Bob” Conrad Award for achieving the highest percentage increase in membership by a FODPAL Department: Department of Puerto Rico. This is the second year running that Puerto Rico has received this honor. Accepting the award was Department of Puerto Rico Commander Carmen Rosario.

Joseph “Joe” Craig Award for achieving the highest percentage increase in membership by a FODPAL post: Dorado Post 45, Department of Puerto Rico. Rosario also accepted this award.

Erle Cocke Jr. Award for outstanding dedication and service to FODPAL and American Legion programs, and Distinguished Service Award: Steve Huisman, Department of Alaska (posthumous). Huisman’s widow, Terri Huisman, accepted the awards.

A certificate of appreciation was presented to the staff of the Legion’s Washington, D.C., office. Executive Director Chanin Nuntavong accepted the certificate.

Jim Grosset was elected FODPAL president for 2023-2024; the full slate of elected officers can be found here.

See a photo gallery here.