August 16, 2018

TALARC EchoLink Conference Net Report for August 11, 2018

  • Ham Radio
  • Net Reports

Net Control Station W9WMJ conducted the monthly net on *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node 522547 on Saturday, August 11, 2018. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1600Z] and closed at 1255 ET [1655Z]. There were 15 check-ins, including Net Control. Contact with the following radio operators was logged: W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180 WA3DVO, Everett; Palmer Park, MD; Post 275 KD2JEC, Jude; New Rochelle, NY; Post 979 KM6SDM, David; Lockwood, CA; Post 50 K6TOI, Ann; Lockwood, CA; Unit 50 N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 380

Net Control Station W9WMJ conducted the monthly net on *FMCA-ARC* EchoLink Conference Node 522547 on Saturday, August 11, 2018. The net was opened at 1200 ET [1600Z] and closed at 1255 ET [1655Z]. There were 15 check-ins, including Net Control.
Contact with the following radio operators was logged:
W9WMJ, Marty; Greenwood, IN [Net Control Station]; MD Post 180
WA3DVO, Everett; Palmer Park, MD; Post 275
KD2JEC, Jude; New Rochelle, NY; Post 979
KM6SDM, David; Lockwood, CA; Post 50
K6TOI, Ann; Lockwood, CA; Unit 50
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyvale, CA; Post 380
KK4NXK, Larry; Clarksville, TN; Post 259
W9MNA, Mike; Cumberland, IN; Post 510
KM4CWP, Mary; Keswick, VA; Post 74
K6DLC, Dan; Redwood City, CA; Department CALARS Chairman
WA5LIE, Fred; Sanger, TX; SAL Sqdn. 71
WB5YPP, Sandy; Sanger TX; ALA Unit 71
N6SWC, Jerry; San Jose, CA; Post 380
W2UIS, Mark; Wallkill, NY; Post 1034
KN4FCV, Mike; Knoxville, TN; Post 2

Announcements were made regarding the following subjects:
• American Legion Baseball Regional and World Series tournaments
• American Legion Legacy Run 2018
• 100th American Legion National Convention

It is to be noted that this, the August 2018 EchoLink Conference Net on the Family Motor Coach Association Amateur Radio Conference Node, marks the 3-year anniversary of the net, which launched on August 8, 2015. Interestingly, several of the operators listed above have near-perfect attendance on the net since its beginning. **** Another significant item for this month’s net is that two married couples checked in to the net: David KM6SDM and wife Ann K6TOI; and Fred WA5LIE and wife Sandy WB5YPP. **** Mark W2UIS reported that on Thursday, August 16, he will speak on D-Star at the Overlook ARC meeting in Kingston, N.Y. On September 15 he will participate in the Ulster County [N.Y.] Committee VE session at the Tillson-Rosendale AL post. **** Mike W9MNA mentioned that The American Legion’s 100th National Convention would be live streamed and that the video of it would be resident, for a time after the convention, on the Legion website. **** Jude KD2JEC noted that he will be working with Mark W2UIS in attempts to institute a Special Event Station operation on Veterans Day 2018 at the U.S. Military Academy in New York.
The TALARC EchoLink Net for August closed at 1255 EDT [1655Z].
Submitted by Marty, W9WMJ

  • Ham Radio