May 20, 2019

K5TAL Net Report for 15 May 2019

  • Ham Radio
  • Net Reports

Year 3, Week 7. May 15, 2019. The K5TAL Net on 80 meters was opened at 6:30 p.m. (23:30) by Lee K5CUB and had 14 check-ins. The 2 meter net on the 145.11 repeater was opened by Mike KG5VXY and had 6 check-ins. TOTAL: 22. Don KA5DON and Terri KB5AGW were on the road to Green Bay, Wis.; next week, they hope to be able to listen to the net on N4DKD. K5CUB LEE Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC AE5WU HANK Non Vet, Gulfport, MS KD5JII HUGH AF, Natchez, MS

Year 3, Week 7. May 15, 2019.

The K5TAL Net on 80 meters was opened at 6:30 p.m. (23:30) by Lee K5CUB and had 14 check-ins. The 2 meter net on the 145.11 repeater was opened by Mike KG5VXY and had 6 check-ins. TOTAL: 22. Don KA5DON and Terri KB5AGW were on the road to Green Bay, Wis.; next week, they hope to be able to listen to the net on N4DKD.

K5CUB LEE Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
AE5WU HANK Non Vet, Gulfport, MS
WA5GYM ANDY Marine, Richland, MS TALARC
KD5DJW DAVE Post 80, Beaumont, MS TALARC
KY4KD KEN Post 46, Wilderness Road, KY, TALARC
K4FT JOHN Post 46, Wilderness Road, KY, TALARC
Kb4TC TONY Post 46, Wilderness Road, KY, TALARC
KG5KSA MIKE Non Vet, Ocean Springs, MS
K5ATW STEVE Army, Vicksburg, MS, TALARC
W4OZA RICK Post 35, Columbus, GA, TALARC
WV1Q ALBERT Ret. Marine, AL, Heidelburg, MS TALARC
KF4FMQ MIKE Post 46, Wilderness Road, KY, TALARC
W9WA BILL Post 46, Wilderness Road, KY, TALARC

2 Meter 145.11, Vancleave, MS NCS Mike, KG5VXY

KG5VXY MIKE Post 1992, Gautier-Vancleave, MS, TALARC
AC5RW RICHARD Spouse USCG, Vancleave, MS
KB8VND BOB Ocean Springs, MS
KI5DER JOE Unknown Affiliation, St. Martin, MS
KB5YPJ Steve AF, Non Member, Ocean Springs, MS

Via N4DKD.COM 0, Echolink 0, D-Star 0, C4FM 0

Announcement: If you are planning to attend the ARRL Hamvention in Xenia, Ohio, make sure you stop by the TALARC table and say hi, and if you can donate a couple hours of time to assist/relieve the HQ members there, your help would be greatly appreciated.

All TALARC members are encouraged to be part of local Field Day activities. If you as an individual, or your TALARC club, are planning to join with events in your area, please take a few minutes to relate your experiences to K9TAL at Legion HQ. photos and amplifying information to the K9TAL email address.

Location for all net times was discussed and direction to was provided.

Note: I will be off the air for the next 2 weeks. K5CUB will be leading the HF net and Mike KG5VXY will be NCS for the 2 meter net. I will be listening via

From Green Bay, WI, 73

  • Ham Radio