July 12, 2019

July IRLP/Echolink net report

  • Ham Radio
  • Net Reports

Net Control Station K9TAL (NZ9S) conducted the monthly net on IRLP Channel 9735 and the linked EchoLink *CRSROADS* Conference on Wednesday, July 10, 2019. The net opened at 9:00 p.m. ET [0100Z] and closed at 10:04 p.m. ET [0204 UTC]. Four check-ins participated including the Net Control Station. Contact with the following radio operators was logged; N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyville, CA; Post 380 {American Legion Post 380 Amateur Radio Club] KD9HHS, Zach; Muncie, IN; Post 19 W9WMJ, Marty, NHQ, Greenwood, IN NZ9S, Bill, Net Control, NHQ, Sheridan, IN

Net Control Station K9TAL (NZ9S) conducted the monthly net on IRLP Channel 9735 and the linked EchoLink *CRSROADS* Conference on Wednesday, July 10, 2019. The net opened at 9:00 p.m. ET [0100Z] and closed at 10:04 p.m. ET [0204 UTC]. Four check-ins participated including the Net Control Station.

Contact with the following radio operators was logged;
N6XLS, Doug; Sunnyville, CA; Post 380 {American Legion Post 380 Amateur Radio Club]
KD9HHS, Zach; Muncie, IN; Post 19
W9WMJ, Marty, NHQ, Greenwood, IN
NZ9S, Bill, Net Control, NHQ, Sheridan, IN

Announcements repeated for Field Day successes, American Legion National Convention, upcoming Veterans Day special event as N9V, and new all-digital mode net commencing July 11 from K5TAL (Mississippi American Legion Post 1992, hosted by Don Rand, KA5DON).

Submitted by Bill, NZ9S/K9TAL.

  • Ham Radio