January 28, 2010

Legion baseball e-newsletter makes its debut

By The American Legion
4x4: A time for Legion Family values
4x4: A time for Legion Family values

The Dugout hit more than 500 coaches e-mail inboxes during its debut with the latest baseball news and updates.

On Wednesday, American Legion Baseball launched its first issue of The Dugout, a complimentary e-mail newsletter for coaches that is delivered straight to their e-mail inbox. The monthly publication will feature photos and links on a variety of headlines that will easily direct coaches to the Legion Baseball Web site.

The Dugout's first issue features an informative Q&A with Luis Gonzalez, a five-time Major League Baseball All Star and hero of the 2001 World Series, photos of famous Legion baseball alumni, the success of online baseball registration and much more.

The Dugout has more than 600 subscribers already. If you have not signed up and would like to receive it, click here. It's free, and the latest baseball news and updates will be sent directly to your e-mail inbox.


  • Baseball