December 30, 2012

Baseball team delivers gifts to veterans

By The American Legion
Baseball team delivers gifts to veterans
A few Colchester Cannons American Legion Baseball players participated in the gift-giving event at the White River Junction VA Medical Center.

For the eighth consecutive year, the Colchester Cannons American Legion Baseball team from Vermont participated in a community service project at a nearby VA hospital.

In early December, the Colchester (Vt.) Cannons American Legion Baseball team brought cheer during the holidays to veterans at the White River (Vt.) Junction VA Medical Center. Since 2003, the Colchester Cannons team has participated in the American Legion Auxiliary Post 91 gift train event at the medical center.

The event allows patients unable to leave their room during the holidays to shop at no expense from a mobile cart filled with a variety of donated gifts. The players wheeled the “gift train” in and out of multiple patient rooms, providing veterans with ongoing conversation and free holiday gifts for their loved ones and themselves. Click here to watch the players deliver gifts and spend time with the veterans.

The assortment of gifts offered included items from socks, gloves, T-shirts and blankets, to board games, toys and stuffed animals. Once the patients selected their gifts, the players wrapped and placed name tags on them.

“Everyone did a great job and truly made the effort to help out the sick while still having a great time,” said Jeff Mongeon, head coach. “Many smiles were had by our players, hospital staff and patients.”

If your Legion Baseball team has a community service project to share, please email


  • Baseball