January 23, 2013

World Series $1 million challenge

By The American Legion
World Series $1 million challenge
(Photo courtesy of Holland & Hamrick Architects, P.A.)

An anonymous donor is challenging Shelby, N.C., to match a $1 million gift that will help with upgrades to Keeter Stadium, home of the Legion World Series.

Once again, Shelby, N.C., community members show their unending dedication to making sure Shelby remains the permanent home of The American Legion Baseball World Series.

A $1 million challenge gift was recently given to the Shelby American Legion World Series (ALWS) executive committee to help fund its $2.5 million upgrades to Veterans Field at Keeter Stadium, site of the World Series. The executive committee has four months — Feb. 1 to May 31 — to raise a matching $1 million to ensure the full donation of the challenge gift.

"This is a dream scenario for us that will help (us) reach the long-range vision sooner than any of us expected, maybe even by the 2013 ALWS," said Eddie Holbrook, ALWS executive committee co-chairman.

Holland & Hamrick Architects’ rendering of Keeter Stadium upgrades include an expansion of the concourse, a permanent souvenir and operations center, a rocking chair pavilion, a parking complex, a bronze statue of a baseball player and soldier, and a stadium entrance displaying the flags of the eight Legion Baseball regional states.

Holbrook and Jim Horn, co-chairman of the executive committee as well, have sent letters to current and potential ALWS sponsors asking for pledges to meet the challenge gift. "We’re grateful for any and all support," Holbrook said.

For those who wish to make a contribution, download a donor form here. Donor’s who contribute $100 or more will receive a T-shirt that reads, "We met the challenge!"

Checks can also be made payable to Cleveland County ALWS Baseball, Inc., and mailed to Shelby ALWS executive committee’s marketing firm:

Champion Communications

P.O. Box 1726

Shelby, N.C., 28151

  • Baseball