Legion Baseball, MLB and USA Baseball bring home run derby to Shelby, N.C.
Ahead of the 2017 American Legion World Series, thousands of locals attended the 7th Inning Stretch Festival in Shelby, N.C., on Saturday.
American Legion Baseball, with help from USA Baseball and Major League Baseball, hosted a home run derby at the event, as part of the Play Ball initiative.
Play Ball is a new initiative to encourage participation in all forms of baseball among all ages, with a special focus on youth.
Over the course of six hours, nearly 500 batters of all ages stepped in to try to hit the ball over the fence. Batters faced off against a leaf-blower powered pitching machine staffed by American Legion representatives, USA Baseball staff and local volunteers. Some even had a chance to step in against Freedom, USA Baseball’s eagle mascot.
The 7th Inning Stretch is an annual event featured dozens of vendors, games, giveaways and concerts. This year’s event was headlined by The Charlie Daniels Band.
The Play Ball event took place across from the concert stage at Champion Field, named after former Major Leaguer and Shelby resident Billy Champion, who passed away this January. It was sponsored by Winsupply of Shelby.
For more information on the Play Ball initiative to bring baseball to your community, go to http://playball.org.
- Baseball