August 08, 2018

Player from viral sportsmanship video heads to Legion Baseball regionals

By The American Legion

American Legion Baseball preaches citizenship, sportsmanship, loyalty and team spirit.

Pitcher Ty Koehn made national headlines when he went to console his friend Jack Kocon after striking him out, which sent Koehn's high school baseball team to the Minnesota state tournament in June. The incredible act of sportsmanship brought the two friends closer together and earned the pair an honorary ESPY Award in July.

“I knew I had to say something,” Koehn said of his act. “Our friendship is more important than just the silly outcome of a game. I had to make sure he knew that before we celebrated.”

Now, Koehn and his American Legion Baseball Tri-City Red team – representing New Brighton (Minn.) Post 513 – head to American Legion Baseball's Central Plains Regional in Dickinson, N.D., which starts Aug. 8.

Prior to each game, Koehn and his team will read the American Legion Baseball code of sportsmanship: “I will: Keep the rules; keep faith with my teammates; keep my temper; keep myself fit; keep a stout heart in defeat; keep my pride under control in victory; keep a sound soul, a clean mind, and a healthy body.”

"I’m happy my story got out and I hope that it affects other ball players and really inspires them to find that difference between being competitive and being there for other players when they need it," Koehn said.

For coverage of the Central Plains Regional, visit

  • Baseball