The scholarship application, letters of recommendation and certification form must be completed, postmarked and mailed to department headquarters no later than July 15.
The American Legion Baseball scholarship nomination form is available online here.
To be considered for a scholarship, applicants must submit a completed application form along with three one-page letters of recommendation from an American Legion Baseball coach or manager, American Legion post commander or adjutant, and a community leader (teacher, Scout leader, minister or church leader, principal, etc.). Applicants must also complete the authorization form at the end of the application, including signatures from the player, parent or guardian, and post commander.
Applications and testimonial letters must be submitted to the department headquarters in the player's state and postmarked no later than July 15. Applications should not be submitted to American Legion National Headquarters. Each applicant is considered for a scholarship of $500 or more from the department headquarters.
The department baseball scholarship winners shall be considered for The American Legion All Academic Team sponsored by Diamond Sports, the official baseball for American Legion national tournaments. Eight players selected by a scholarship selection committee at The American Legion World Series will receive an additional $2,500 scholarship. A ninth player, selected as the most outstanding member of the All Academic Team, will be awarded an additional $5,000 scholarship.
For more information, go to legion.org/scholarships/baseball.
- Baseball