American Legion members are using creative methods to support the campaign to reduce veteran suicide.
American Legion posts are rallying around the organization’s initiative to Be the One to reduce the rate of veteran suicide. Take, for example, American Legion Post 532 in Hayesville, N.C. The post will host a Challenge 2.2 Walk later this month to raise awareness and eliminate the stigma related to mental health treatment.
Some other recent examples:
• In Maryland, American Legion Post 2 is creating a support group for survivors of Traumatic Brain Injuries (TBIs). Members are partnering with VA to offer services to local veterans as a way to address the Be the One campaign.
• In Simsbury, Conn., American Legion Tomalonis-Hall Post 84 will be at the New England Air Museum on May 20, raising awareness about Be the One.
There are many resources available for American Legion Family members to use in support of Be the One. This video is a great tutorial of how a Legionnaire in Arizona used Be the One promotional materials at his post’s successful event. Among other materials that can be found at the resources web page:
• A set of brochures available for download: One brochure is a PDF that can be used to educate agencies with mental health services, community partners, local government leaders and others about Be the One. The other brochure is a Word document that can be downloaded and customized for posts to use at suicide awareness events. The entire back page of the trifold is intentionally left blank (other than directions, which can be deleted) so that posts can fill it with local resources.
• Branding materials: A variety of approved American Legion Be the One promotional materials that posts can use to promote the initiative.
• Banner stand: This is a print-ready file to send to a local or online vendor for a two-foot by six-foot banner that is vinyl or fabric pop-up display
• Posters: These can be downloaded and printed individually or as the front and back of a sign board for an event.
• Wallet cards: Business-card sized printables with Be The One branding and QR codes. Can be used as single-sided cards, combined for double-sided cards, or added to the back side of a personal business card.
• Video links: Vimeo playlist includes videos that can be downloaded and played while offline. They can be shared on social media, posted to the web and played at post events.
• A QR Code: This can be used to direct others to the web page to find information and resources related to the campaign.
- Be the One