July 16, 2014

69th session of Boys Nation begins Friday

By The American Legion
Boys Nation
69th session of Boys Nation begins Friday
69th session of Boys Nation begins Friday

The 98 American Legion Boys Nation delegates from 49 states will convene in Washington, D.C., to learn about the structure and function of federal government.

On July 18, 98 young men will convene at Marymount University in Arlington, Va., to participate in the 69th session of The American Legion Boys Nation program. The delegates have been selected by their respective departments’ Boys State programs to attend the Legion’s premier program that instills a thorough understanding of the nation’s political process.

The young men will be involved in daily activities on campus and around the Washington, D.C., area. While on campus, the delegates will conduct senate sessions and party conventions, elect a president and vice president, vote on bills and hear from special guests. Off campus, the young men will visit the National Mall, meet with their state senator and have dinner at an American Legion post with National Commander Daniel Dellinger as the keynote speaker. A new activity for Boys Nation delegates this year is a visit to the Pentagon.

See a detailed Boys Nation agenda, which is subject to change, here.

Family and friends of the 98 delegates, as well as Boys State/Nation alumni, are encouraged to stay connected with the young men throughout the program by visiting the Boys Nation web page here. The page will feature articles, photos and videos highlighting the events in which the young men participate. Also follow Boys Nation coverage on Twitter.

The following Boys Nation events will be streamed live on www.legiontv.org. All times are Eastern Daylight.

July 22, 3-5 p.m.: President and vice president candidates debate

July 22, 6:30-9:30 p.m.: President and vice president elections

  • Boys Nation