98 young men from across nation begin "a week that shapes a lifetime."
With long days filled with legislative work and tours of the nation’s capital to come, it was somehow appropriate that the first day of the 71st American Legion Boys Nation be a long one as well.
Several of the 98 Boys Nation delegates saw their original flights delayed or rescheduled because of computer glitches impacting Southwest flights nationwide. But the delayed arrivals didn’t diminish their enthusiasm, as the young men from across the country quickly caught on to the “I’m ready!” mantra of Director of Activities Bob Turner.
“If you’re not ready for this, let me know now because you’re going to be in serious trouble,” Turner, an American Legion past national commander, told the delegates.
The delegates, two each from the Legion’s 49 Boys State programs, will be sworn in Saturday morning by Matthew Shuman, assistant director of the Legion’s Legislative Division. After orientation, the new senators will jump right in to conventions for the Federalist and Nationalist parties, with the first senate session and senate committee meetings taking them into the evening.
Sunday’s schedule includes a memorial service, another senate session and party conventions. The senators will attend a program at Post 136 in Greenbelt, Md., on Sunday night with National Commander Dale Barnett. After that, they’ll tour the National Mall.
Boys Nation Director Mike Buss encouraged the delegates to give this week their all.
“What you put into it, you will get out of it,” he said.
- Boys Nation