The annual visit to Arlington National Cemetery provokes strong emotions for the senators and staff at American Legion Boys Nation.
Every year, The American Legion Boys Nation program pays respects to the fallen at Arlington National Cemetery, a vivid reminder to the program delegates of the sacrifices made to ensure our country’s freedom.
7:45 a.m. — The buses depart Marymount University, carrying the senators and staffers first to the Marine Corps War Memorial, then to Arlington National Cemetery. They’re again joined by National Commander Charles Schmidt and National Chaplain Harvey Klee.
The two national officers and Boys Nation senators Ryan Harra of Kansas and Ethan Lowder of Iowa will participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns, an annual tradition at Boys Nation.
“I think this is part of patriotism — paying respects, and giving back, showing our gratitude to those who have served,” Schmidt says.
Harra heard about the opportunity while at Kansas Boys State. “I was really excited to witness it, if not be a part of it myself. This was an awesome experience,” he says.
After watching the changing of the guard, the quartet receives final instructions from members of the Old Guard, who serve at the Tomb, and brings the wreath out for the ceremony. It’s a reverent moment for the senators.
“To be a part of that process, even for a little bit, and to be able to work with men as determined and diligent as the (Old) Guard was an amazing experience in and of itself; adding that on top of being able to give something, even though it’s a sort of small gesture in the grand scheme of things, to men that gave not only their lives but their entire identity for our freedom and our way of life is a really humbling and reverent experience. I was very honored to be a part of that,” Harra says.
The time spent at Arlington makes quite an impact on the senators.
“The last two days I’ve been so inspired to meet so many veterans and come to a place like Arlington, where there’s so many people who have given so much to uphold democracy,” says Oregon’s Cooper Brooks.
1:15 p.m. — The senators reconvene to hear from guest speaker Jeff Kendrick, executive director of the Maryland Center for Veterans Education and Training. The program aims to help homeless veterans and other veterans in need to return to their communities as productive citizens.
Much of the rest of the day is spent in party conventions as the Federalists and Nationalists vote on their platforms. They also select their presidential and vice presidential candidates for Tuesday's election: the Federalist ticket is Blake Barclay of Florida for president and Jay Blackburn of Tennessee for vice president while the Nationalists nominate Alabama's Darius Thomas for president and South Carolina's Decker Paulmeier for vice president.
Follow the happenings at American Legion Boys Nation 2017 here on and on social media using the hashtag #2017BoysNation.
- Boys Nation