July 18, 2017

Department Spotlight: Mississippi educates youth about college, military academies

By The American Legion
Boys Nation
Department Spotlight: Mississippi educates youth about college, military academies
Photo by Kevin Bain

American Legion Mississippi Boys State and Auxiliary Girls State introduce youth to higher education opportunities.

The American Legion Department of Mississippi empowers youth to achieve higher education by introducing the many college, military and scholarship opportunities available to them. They have been achieving this for the past 10 years by hosting a college information and military day during American Legion Boys State and Auxiliary Girls State, which is available to rising high school seniors.

During Boys State, the college and military day is held inside the gymnasium at the University of Mississippi where the week-long program is held. A representative from every public and private college and university in Mississippi, and one from all five of the U.S. military academies, attend the information day to speak with the young men about their respective school's application process, available majors, campus culture and scholarship opportunities.

"Many scholarships go unapplied for so I really believe in helping students get scholarships,whether they are going to a military academy or to a school here in Mississippi," said Steve Guyton, who handles the college day for Boys and Girls State and is a member of Post 1776 in Jackson.

The Boys State delegates also receive tips on how to take the ACT and SAT.

The college and military day lasts about four hours, and Guyton said he likes that many of the representatives from the military academies are new recruits who explain to the young men how to get an appointment into an academy, and that the young men are all encouraged to stop at every table to speak with the college recruiter.

“This day is where I think The American Legion Department of Mississippi is really making a difference. We just mentor these young people,” Guyton said. “Where we are really strong is our (Boys State) counselors are in college and can relate to the kids and give them guidance on applying to colleges.”

  • Boys Nation