September 08, 2021

40-year Legion member appreciates a Buddy Check

By The American Legion
Buddy Check
40-year Legion member appreciates a Buddy Check
American Legion Post 149 in Las Vegas perform Buddy Checks. Photo provided.

Las Vegas Post 149 have been making Buddy Check calls since the COVID-19 pandemic started, making longtime Legionnaires feel appreciated. 

Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic in March 2020, members of American Legion Paradise Post 149 and Auxiliary Unit 149 in Las Vegas have been reaching out to its members with Buddy Checks.

Through the Buddy Check calls, Post 149 Adjutant Vic “Doc” Moss said they assisted a number of members with benefits claims and financial hardships. And, they were able to clean up Post 149’s membership roster with correct mailing addresses and email addresses. If the veteran didn’t answer the phone, a voicemail was left and many called back. Moss shared a message from one one Post 149’s newly transferred members:

"Yesterday I received a wonderful phone call from a young lady representing your post. She asked me if I needed anything or if the post could be of any help personally. I was pleasantly shocked. I have been associated with the VFW and The American Legion for well over 40 years now. I have never in those years ever received a reach-out for any assistance. I have been master-at-arms, chaplain, junior vice, senior vice and lastly post commander.

“Again, please thank the young lady for her efforts and listening to the ramblings of a 73-year-old Vietnam vet."

After reaching out to him, Moss said Post 149 now has member who is becoming more active in the post. “What could be better than that? The response from our members has been nothing but positive.”

Buddy Check toolkit

The American Legion Buddy Check toolkit is online at The toolkit provides tips on how to organize a Buddy Check team; Buddy Check sample scrips to members and non-members; quick answers to what The American Legion does; and space to fill out what the department does.

As part of American Legion National Commander Paul E. Dillard’s “No Veteran Left Behind” theme, he encourages American Legion posts to continue making Buddy Checks on a regular basis – “not just for past and present members, but for every veteran that we know,” he said.

The American Legion National Headquarters would also like to hear about Buddy Check success stories like that of Paradise Post 149. Please share at under the category “Buddy Checks.”

  • Buddy Check