The American Legion's National Economic Commission is proud to announce that Allen Corporation of America has won the 2009 Employer of Older Workers award.
The American Legion annually honors companies and businesses that employ those who have served their country. Each year, the National Economic Awards are presented to employers who hire veterans, disabled veterans and older workers. The Legion's National Economic Commission is proud to announce that Allen Corporation of America has won this year's Employer of Older Workers award - a recognition that honors a company for employing workers over the age of 55.
Located in Fairfax, Va., Allen Corporation has 71 workers who are over 55 - out of a workforce that is 253 employees strong. Established in 1991, the company provides best in-class products and professional services, offering industry-leading information technology and training solutions to the private and public sectors. It's been an industry leader in the defense services sector since 2002.
Allen Corporation is also a dedicated employer of veterans. Veterans make up 51 percent of the company's workforce and fill positions ranging from management to technical support. Allen Corporation values the degree of selfless service associated with a military career and the level of professionalism and commitment that service fosters.
The company reports that it hired 28 veterans this year - out of 53 new hires. An active recruiter at military job fairs, Allen needs workers with service backgrounds to maintain its Standard Army Management Information Systems, a logistics automation contract.
Additionally, Allen Corporation recognizes the value of older workers and the proven skills, experience and knowledge they provide. The majority of the company's managers are over 55; 70 percent of the managers in the Logistic Services Division come from this age demographic. The company's older workers, with their diverse backgrounds of experience, provide excellent service to customers.
"For all they have done, it is the least we can do," said K.C. Vaughey, Allen Corporation's president and CEO. "Thank you very much for our selection as The American Legion 2009 National Winner of the Year for the category Employer of Older Workers."
- Careers