April 13, 2011

DoL releases new online transition tool

By The American Legion

REALifelines will help veterans, servicemembers and their families with the transition from the service into civilian life.

The Department of Labor has released an online tool, REALifelines, that assists veterans, servicemembers and their families in their transition to civilian life, providing them with quick and easy access to resources that help them integrate into the workforce and community life.

The REALifelines: Veterans Employment and Career Transition Advisor offers guidance on finding a new job, veterans rights when returning to a pre-service employer, opportunities for federal employment, benefits and other support services, in addition to assistance for family members. It also features specific information for wounded warriors, including guidance on job accommodations and other disability employment issues.

For veterans seeking employment and training, the Transition Advisor provides links to state-specific resources, such as available employment and training services and guidance on how to file for unemployment insurance. All state-specific information is integrated with the National Resource Directory (NRD), a web-based database of thousands of resources updated on a daily basis. The NRD is managed collaboratively by the Departments of Labor, Defense and Veterans Affairs.

The REALifelines: Transition Advisor is one of a series of elaws (Employment Laws Assistance for Workers and Small Businesses) advisors developed by DOL to help employers and employees understand federal employment laws and resources. To access it, visit the elaws website. To learn more about DOL's efforts to assist veterans and transitioning servicemembers, visit the VETS website.

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