February 06, 2015

Registration open for D.C. employment workshops, career fair

Registration open for D.C. employment workshops, career fair
Registration open for D.C. employment workshops, career fair

The American Legion’s Veterans Employment & Education Division is hosting a series of free events tailored to assist veterans and spouses pursuing employment in the civilian sector.

The American Legion’s Veterans Employment & Education Division will host a series of events Feb. 19-20 at the Washington Hilton to help veterans, servicemembers and spouses find meaningful careers in the civilian workforce. The events will take place in conjunction with the Legion's annual Washington Conference.

On Thursday, Feb. 19, The American Legion will be hosting its Employment and Empowerment Summit from 8:30 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. This full day of workshops and educational sessions will include opportunities for one-on-one career coaching and résumé review, corporate panels and benefits discussions. Additionally, programs tailored towards women veterans and spouses will be offered.

On Friday, Feb. 20, the Legion and Easter Seals will host a Résumé Writing Workshop that will include one-on-one tutoring on writing an effective résumé and counseling sessions that will focus on interviewing skills. Following the workshop, a Hiring Our Heroes Career Fair will be held that afternoon from 1-4 p.m.

Attendees may preregister for each event online through the Chamber of Commerce's website.

Hiring Our Heroes, a joint initiative of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and The American Legion, has a strong track record of producing jobs for veterans. This career fair will welcome employers from the public and private sectors, during which time employers will accept résumés from attendees, conduct onsite interviews and, in some instances, extend job offers on the spot.

All of the events are free and include a continental breakfast and lunch. Pre-registration is not required; attendees can register at the door.

For more information on the events, email econ@legion.org.

  • Careers