March 9 event continued Legion’s success at pairing job-seeking veterans with prospective employers.
Hundreds of job-seeking veterans and employers interested in adding veterans interacted at a virtual career fair sponsored by The American Legion on March 9.
The American Legion Department of Texas, Texas Workforce Commission, Texas Veterans Commission, Texas Operation Welcome Home, and Texas Veterans Leadership Program collaborated in the event, which was free to veterans, transitioning servicemembers, active duty, National Guard, reservists, and working-age military dependents.
The event drew 240 registered organizations and 315 registered attendees. Job seekers submitted 403 resumes, which were required to register for the event.
The American Legion Veterans Employment & Education Division reported there were 1,698 total chats, defined as instances where a job seeker and employer first initiated an interaction during the virtual event; and 11,362 total messages between all job seekers and employers.
Since the start of the COVID-19 pandemic two years ago, The American Legion has sponsored a number of virtual career fairs. The events have drawn over 1,200 registered businesses and over 3,300 registered job seekers.
- Careers